The psalmist shows the duty and advantage of praising God, 1-3;

speaks of the grandeur of God's works, 4-6;

the fall of the wicked, 7-9;

the happiness of the righteous, 10-14;

and all this founded on the perfections of God.


The title, A Psalm or Song for the Sabbath, gives no information concerning the time, occasion, or author. The Chaldee, has "Praise, and a song which the first man spoke concerning the Sabbath:" but this is an idle conceit; and, though entertained by some rabbins, has been followed by none of the Versions. Calmet supposes the Psalm to have been composed by some of the Levites during or near the close of the Babylonish captivity, acknowledging the mercy of God, and foreseeing the desolation of their enemies, and their own return to Jerusalem, and their temple service.

Verse Psalms 92:1. It is a good thing to give thanks] This Psalm begins very abruptly. Good to confess unto the Lord. He had been acknowledging God's goodness, and praising him for his mercy; and now he breaks out and tells how good he felt this employment to be.

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