Verse Revelation 1:5. The faithful witness] The true teacher, whose testimony is infallible, and whose sayings must all come to pass.

The first-begotten of the dead] Colossians 1:18.

The prince of the kings] ο αρχων, The chief or head, of all earthly potentates; who has them all under his dominion and control, and can dispose of them as he will.

Unto him that loved us] This should begin a new verse, as it is the commencement of a new subject. Our salvation is attributed to the love of God, who gave his Son; and to the love of Christ, who died for us. See John 3:16.

Washed us from our sins] The redemption of the soul, with the remission of sins, and purification from unrighteousness, is here, as in all the New Testament, attributed to the blood of Christ shed on the cross for man.

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