The apostle expresses his earnest desire for the salvation of

the Jews, 1.

Having a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge, they

sought salvation by works, and not by faith in Christ, 2-4.

The righteousness which is of the law described, 5.

That which is by faith described also, 6-10.

He that believes and calls on the name of the Lord shall be

saved, 11-13.

What is necessary to salvation, believing, hearing, preaching,

a Divine mission, the Gospel, and obedience to its precepts,


Faith comes by hearing, 17.

The universal spread of the Gospel predicted by the prophets,


The ingratitude and disobedience of the Israelites, 21.


Verse Romans 10:1. My heart's desire, c.] Though the apostle knew that the Jews were now in a state of rejection, yet he knew also that they were in this state through their own obstinacy, and that God was still waiting to be gracious, and consequently, that they might still repent and turn to him. Of his concern for their salvation he had already given ample proof, when he was willing to become a sacrifice for their welfare, see Romans 9:3.

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