_The apostle shows that the Jew, who condemns the Gentiles, and_
_considers them utterly unworthy of the blessings of the Gospel,_
_is inexcusable, because he is guilty of the same crimes; and_
_therefore shalt not escape the righteous judgment of God_, 1-3.
_It is an awful thing to... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:2. _WE ARE SURE THAT THE JUDGMENT OF GOD_, c.] God is
impartial, and will punish sin wheresoever he finds it.
_Transgression_ in a _Jew_ is not less criminal than _iniquity_ in a
_Gentile_.... [ Continue Reading ]
thou render of none effect that marked benevolence of God towards thee
which has given so many superior advantages, and that _forbearance_
which has tolerated thy many miscarriages, and that _long-suffering_
which, after repeated... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:5. _BUT AFTER THY HARDNESS_] Occasioned by thy long
course of iniquity. _And impenitent heart_ - produced by thy hardness,
through which thou art callous to the calls and expostulations of
conscience. _Treasurest up_ - continuest to _increase thy debt_ to the
Divine justice, which wi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:6. _WHO WILL RENDER_] Who, in the day of judgment, will
reward and punish every man according as his life and conversation
have been.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:7. _TO THEM_, c.] In this manner will God, in the great
day, dispense punishments and rewards:
1. He will give eternal life to them who, in all the _trials_ and
_difficulties_ of the present state, have _persevered_ in _well
doing_-seeking for and expecting _glory, honour_, and _immo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:8. _BUT UNTO THEM_, c.]
2. He will manifest his _indignation_, and inflict _wrath_ -
punishment, on all who are _contentious_ - who obstinately dispute
against the truth, and _obey_ _unrighteousness_ - who act under the
influence of the principle of sin, and not under the influence o... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:9. _TRIBULATION AND ANGUISH_] Misery of all
descriptions, without the possibility of escape, will this righteous
Judge inflict upon every impenitent sinner. The _Jew first_, as
possessing greater privileges, and having abused greater mercies; and
also on the _Gentile_, who, though he... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:10. _BUT GLORY, HONOUR, AND PEACE_] While the finally
impenitent Jew and Gentile shall experience the fullest effects of the
righteous indignation of the supreme Judge, even man that _worketh
good_-that lives in a conscientious obedience to the _known_ _will of
God_, whether he be _Je... [ Continue Reading ]
The righteous Judge will not act according to any principle of
_partiality_; the _character_ and _conduct_, alone of the persons
shall weigh with him. He will take no wicked man to glory, let his
nation or advantages be what they ma... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:12. _FOR AS MANY AS HAVE SINNED WITHOUT LAW_, c.] They,
viz. the _Gentiles_, who shall be found to have transgressed against
the mere _light of nature_, or rather, _that true light that lighteth_
_every man that cometh into the world_, John 1:9, shall not come under
the same rule with... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:13. _FOR NOT THE HEARERS OF THE LAW_, c.] It does not
follow, because one people are favoured with a Divine revelation, that
therefore _they_ shall be _saved_ while the others who have not had
that revelation, shall finally perish: this is not God's procedure;
where he has given a _la... [ Continue Reading ]
c.] Nor does it follow that the Gentiles who have not had a Divine
revelation, shall either perish, because they had it not or their
unrighteous conduct pass _unpunished_, because not having this
revelation might be considered as an... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:15. _WHICH SHOW THE WORK OF THE LAW_] In acting
according to justice, mercy, temperance, and truth, they show that the
great object of the law, which was to bring men from injustice,
cruelty, intemperance, and falsity, is accomplished so far in them:
their conscience also bearing wit... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:16. _IN THE DAY WHEN GOD SHALL JUDGE_] And all this
shall be farther exemplified and proved in the day when God shall
judge the _secrets of men by Jesus Christ_; which judgment shall be
according _to my Gospel_-according to what I am now laying down before
you, relative to the _impart... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 17. _BEHOLD, THOU ART CALLED A JEW_] What the apostle had said
in the preceding verses being sufficient to enforce conviction on the
conscience of the Jew, he now throws off the cover, and openly argues
with him in the most plain and nervous manner; asserting that his
superior knowledge, privi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 18. _KNOWEST HIS WILL_] Hast been favoured with a revelation of
his own will, immediately from himself.
things_ _that differ_-that revelation which God has given of himself
makes the nicest _distinctions_ between _right_ and _wrong_; b... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 19. _AND ART CONFIDENT_, c.] In consequence of all these
religious advantages, ye believe that ye are able to teach others, and
to be _guides_ and _lights_ to the _bewildered, darkened Gentiles,_
who may become proselytes to your religion.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 20. _AN INSTRUCTER OF THE FOOLISH_, c.] Ye believe the Gentiles
to be _babes_ and _fools_ when compared with yourselves that ye alone
possess the only _true knowledge_; that ye are the only _favourites_
of Heaven; and that all nations must look up to you as possessing the
only _form of knowled... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 21. _THOU THEREFORE_] Dr. Taylor has paraphrased this and the
three following verses thus: "What signify your pretensions to
knowledge, and the office of teaching others, if you have no regard to
your own doctrine? What are you the better for preaching against
_theft_, if you are a _thief_ yo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 24. _FOR THE NAME OF GOD IS BLASPHEMED_, .] In _Debarim_
_rabba_, sect. 2, fol. 251, it is said:-"The rulers destroy the
influence of their own words among the people and this is done when a
rabbin, sitting and teaching in the academy, says, Do not take usury,
and himself takes it; do not comm... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 25. _FOR CIRCUMCISION VERILY PROFITETH_] It is a blessing to
belong to the Church of God and wear the sign of the covenant,
provided the terms of the covenant are complied with.
_BUT IF THOU BE A BREAKER OF THE LAW_] If thou do not observe the
conditions of the covenant, the outward sign is b... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 26. _THEREFORE IF THE UNCIRCUMCISION_, c.] If the _Gentile_ be
found to act according to the _spirit_ and _design_ of the _law_, his
acting thus uprightly, according to the light which God has afforded
him, will be reckoned to him as if he were circumcised and walked
agreeably to the law.... [ Continue Reading ]
shall not the Gentile, who is εκ φυσεως, according to the
_custom of his country_ - who is, _by birth_, not obliged to be
_IF IT FULFIL THE LAW_] If such a person act according to the spirit
and design of the law; _judge... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 28. _FOR HE IS NOT A JEW_] A genuine _member of the Church_ of
God, who has only an _outward_ profession.
_NEITHER_ IS THAT _CIRCUMCISION_] Circumcision is a rite which
represents a _spiritual_ thing, viz. the change and purification of
the heart, as may be seen, Jeremiah 4:4, Jeremiah 4:6, J... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Romans 2:29. _BUT HE IS A JEW_] A true member of the Church of
_WHICH IS ONE INWARDLY_] Who has his heart purified, according to what
God has uniformly prescribed by his prophets; see above: for
_circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit_, εν πνευματι
_by_ _the Spirit_ of God, who is t... [ Continue Reading ]