Verse 8. A lover of hospitality] φιλοξενον. A lover of strangers. 1 Timothy 3:2. Instead of φιλοξενον, one MS. has φιλοπτωξον, a lover of the poor. That minister who neglects the poor, but is frequent in his visits to the rich, knows little of his Master's work, and has little of his Master's spirit.

A lover of good men] φιλαγαθον. A lover of goodness or of good things in general.

Sober] Prudent in all his conduct. Just in all his dealings. Holy in his heart. Temperate-self-denying and abstemious, in his food and raiment; not too nice on points of honour, nor magisterially rigid in the exercise of his ecclesiastical functions. Qualifications rarely found in spiritual governors.

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