Hosea 7:8

MORAL decay means political decay. Sins like these are the gangrene of nations. It is part of Hosea's greatness to have traced this, a proof of that versatility which distinguishes him above other prophets. The most spiritual of them all, he is at the same time the most political. We owe him an analysis of repentance to which the New Testament has little to add; but he has also left us a criticism of society and of polities in Israel, unrivalled except by Isaiah. We owe him an intellectual conception of God, which for the first time in Israel exploded idolatry; yet he also is the first to define Israel's position in the politics of Western Asia. With the single courage of conscience Amos had said to the people: You are bad, therefore you must perish. But Hosea's is the insight to follow the processes by which sin brings forth death-to trace, for instance, the effects of impurity upon a nation's powers of reproduction, as well as upon its intellectual vigor.

So intimate are these two faculties of Hosea that in Chapter s devoted chiefly to the sins of Israel we have already seen him expose the political disasters that follow. But from the point we have now reached- Hosea 7:8 -the proportion of his prophesying is reversed: he gives us less of the sin and more of the social decay and political folly of his age.

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