Song of Solomon 5:1
WE have seen how this strange poem mingles fact and fancy, memory and
reverie, in what would be hopeless confusion if we could not detect a
common prevailing sentiment and one aim towards which the whole is
tending, with all its rapidly shifting scenes and all... [ Continue Reading ]
TRUE LOVE TESTED SONG OF SOLOMON 1:1; Song of Solomon 2:1; Song of
Solomon 3:1; Song of Solomon 4:1; Song of Solomon 5:1
THE poem opens with a scene in Solomon's palace. A country maiden has
just been introduced to the royal harem. The situation is painful
enough in itself, for the poor, shy girl i... [ Continue Reading ]
THUS far we have been considering the bare, literal sense of the text.
It cannot be denied that, if only to lead up to the metaphorical
significance of the words employed, those words must be approached
through their primary physical meanings. This is essential even to the
u... [ Continue Reading ]