4. The Second Vision

CHAPTER 7:11-22

1. All finished by Solomon (2 Chronicles 7:11)

2. The divine answer and the warning (2 Chronicles 7:12)

A second time the Lord appeared unto Solomon. At this time He did not say again “Ask what shall I give thee,” but He assured him that Solomon's prayer had been heard and He had chosen the dedicated place for Himself. He graciously assures the king that if He has chastised His people by sending drought, locusts or pestilence and they humble themselves, and seek His face, turning away from their wicked ways, that He will forgive and heal their land. There can be no recovery apart from the conditions mentioned in these verses. His people who have failed must first humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn away from their evil ways. The warning given in verses 19-22 had passed into history and found its literal fulfillment.

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