CHAPTER 5:1-6:3
The Message to the Priests, the People,
and the Royal House Judgment,
Affliction and the Future Return
_ 1. The message of rebuke (Hosea 5:1) _
2. The judgment announced (Hosea 5:8)
3. The future return and the blessing (Hosea 6:1)
Hosea 5:1. The first verse shows who is addres... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER 6:4-11
Divine Mourning over Ephraim and Judah
_ 1. What shall I do to thee? (Hosea 6:4) _
2. Their transgression (Hosea 6:7)
Hosea 6:4. The Lord grieves and mourns over the condition of the
people whom He loves. After the brief glimpse given of their great
future of glory we are brought b... [ Continue Reading ]