Israel's Restoration and Blessing After Babylon is Fallen and the Burden of Philistia

1. Israel's restoration and exaltation (Isaiah 14:1) 2. The proverb against the king of Babylon (Isaiah 14:3) 3. The triumph over Lucifer (Satan) (Isaiah 14:12) 4. Babylon's destruction (Isaiah 14:21) 5. The Assyrian broken (Isaiah 14:24) 6. The burden of Philistia (Isaiah 14:28) When the last great Babylon is overthrown the Lord will remember His people and Jerusalem in mercy. He will then set His people in rest in their own land. The king of Babylon here in this chapter is not Nebuchadnezzar, nor his grandson Belshazzar, but the final great king of Babylon. It is the little horn of Daniel 7:1, the great political head of the restored Roman Empire. Behind this final king of the times of the Gentiles looms up Satan, who energized that wicked and false king. The description of him who was “Lucifer,” the light-bearer, and his fall is of deep interest.

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