The Prophet's Vision and New Commission

1. The time of the vision (Isaiah 6:1) 2. Jehovah of hosts (Isaiah 6:2) 3. The prophet's woe (Isaiah 6:5) 4. The cleansing (Isaiah 6:6) 5. “Here am I. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8) 6. The new commission (Isaiah 6:9) 7. The limitation of the judgment (Isaiah 6:11) Note the eight steps: vision, conversion, self-judgment, cleansing, self-surrender, communion, commission, intercession. This vision is the glory of Christ John 12:41. The fulfillment of the hardening judgment of the nation, the blinding of their eyes did not set in completely in Isaiah's day. Study carefully Matthew 13:14 ;John 12:39 ;Acts 28:25. However, Israel's blindness is not permanent.

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