Yet a man is risen to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul,.... His life, to take it away, meaning Saul, whom she chose not to name, because he was king:

but the soul of my lord shall be bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God; should be dear unto the Lord, precious in his esteem, and be carefully preserved by him, among other his chosen ones, and should be safe with him, in his hands, and under his care and keeping; the Jews refer this to eternal life in the world to come, and the safety and security of his soul hereafter; so the Targum,

"the soul of my lord shall be treasured up in the treasury of eternal life, before the Lord thy God:''

hence they speak of the souls of the righteous being laid up under the throne of glory e, in proof of which they produce this text; and so Maimonides f understands it of what should be after death, see Revelation 6:9;

and the souls of thine enemies, them shall he sling out, [as out] of the middle of a sling; that is, remove them swiftly and suddenly, and with force, out of the world, as a stone is slung out of the middle of a sling; see Jeremiah 10:18.

e T. Bab. Sabbat, fol. 152. 2. f Moreh Nevochim, par. 1. c. 41.

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