It came to pass after this also,.... After Jehoshaphat's return from Ramothgilead, and putting the civil and religious affairs of his people on a better footing, when he might have expected much peace and prosperity:

that the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon; both the descendants of Lot, see Psalms 83:8,

and with them other besides the Ammonites; a great company of Arabians, according to Josephus r; or "with the Meamonites", which the Targum understands of the Idumaeans or Edomites; and so do other interpreters, and which they conclude from 2 Chronicles 20:10. Jarchi thinks the Amalekites are meant, who were of the race of Edom; but the notion of Kimchi seems best, that these are the people that are so called from the name of a place, Meon, and, by an inversion of letters, the same with the Meunim or Maonites, mentioned along with the Zidonians and Amalekites, Judges 10:12 and whom the Septuagint version here calls Minaeans; some s take them to be such who counterfeited the Ammonites in their apparel and gestures:

these came against Jehoshaphat in battle; being instigated perhaps by the Syrians, who owed him ill will for assisting Ahab against them at Ramothgilead; for from that quarter they came, as the following verse shows.

r Antiqu. l. 9. c. 1. sect. 2. s Weemse of the Moral Law, l. 2. c. 6. p. 161.

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