2 Chronicles 33 - Introduction

INTRODUCTION TO 2 CHRONICLES 33 This chapter gives an account of the reign of Manasseh, of his idolatries and impieties, 2 Chronicles 33:1, of his captivity, humiliation, repentance, and reformation, 2 Chronicles 33:11 of his last end, death, and burial, 2 Chronicles 33:18 and of the wicked reign o... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:1

MANASSEH WAS TWELVE YEARS OLD,.... From hence to the end of 2 Chronicles 33:9 the same things are recorded, almost word for word, as in 2 Kings 21:1, see the notes there. 2 Kings 21:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:10

AND THE LORD SPAKE TO MANASSEH, AND TO HIS PEOPLE,.... By his servants the prophets, see 2 Kings 21:10, where what was said to them is recorded: BUT THEY WOULD NOT HEARKEN; to what was said, to reproofs, admonitions, and exhortations to repent and reform.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:11

WHEREFORE THE LORD BROUGHT UPON THEM THE CAPTAINS OF THE HOST OF THE KING OF ASSYRIA,.... Who was Esarhaddon, the son and successor of Sennacherib; this, according to the Jewish chronology f, was in the twenty second year of Manasseh's reign: WHICH TOOK MANASSEH AMONG THE THORNS; in a thicket of br... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:12

AND WHEN HE WAS IN AFFLICTION,.... In prison; however, in fetters; according to the Targum, the Chaldeans made an instrument of brass with holes in it, and put him in it, and fire about it, something like the brasen bull of Perillus; and the above Arabian writer k calls it a tower of brass: HE BESO... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:13

AND PRAYED UNTO HIM,.... To have mercy on him, and forgive him his sins: AND HE WAS ENTREATED OF HIM, AND HEARD HIS SUPPLICATION; and granted his request, showed favour to him, and forgave him his sins: AND BROUGHT HIM AGAIN TO JERUSALEM INTO HIS KINGDOM; so wrought upon the heart of the king of A... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:14

NOW AFTER THIS HE BUILT A WALL WITHOUT THE CITY OF DAVID,.... Which perhaps had been broken down by the Assyrian army, when it came and took him; Vitringa l thinks this is the wall of the pool of Siloah, Ne 3:15 which seems to be the first and oldest wall, as Josephus m; for that turning to the nort... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:15

AND HE TOOK AWAY THE STRANGE GODS, AND THE IDOL OUT OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD,.... Which he had set there, 2 Chronicles 33:7 AND ALL THE ALTARS THAT HE HAD BUILT IN THE MOUNT OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, AND IN JERUSALEM; see 2 Chronicles 33:4, AND CAST THEM OUT OF THE CITY; perhaps into the brook Kid... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:16

AND HE REPAIRED THE ALTAR OF THE LORD,.... Which was fallen to ruin, being neglected and disused in his times of idolatry: or, according to the Keri, or marginal reading, and so the Targum, "he built it"; which perhaps he had before pulled down and destroyed: AND SACRIFICED THEREON PEACE OFFERINGS... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:17

NEVERTHELESS, THE PEOPLE DID SACRIFICE STILL IN THE HIGH PLACES,.... Not in those that were built for idols, at least did not sacrifice to them; for it follows: YET UNTO THE LORD THEIR GOD ONLY; the Targum is, "to the name of the Word of the Lord their God.''... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:18

NOW THE REST OF THE ACTS OF MANASSEH,.... Good and bad, what were done by him both before and after his conversion: AND HIS PRAYER UNTO HIS GOD; which it seems was taken and recorded, but now lost; for as for that which is among the apocryphal writings, there is no reason to believe it to be his, t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:19

HIS PRAYER ALSO,.... Was not only recorded in the above annals, but in the writings of another person after mentioned: AND HOW GOD WAS ENTREATED OF HIM; heard his prayer, and showed him favour both in a temporal and spiritual way; for though the Jews would not allow that he was saved, or had a part... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:20

Ver. 20-25. SO MANASSEH SLEPT WITH HIS FATHERS, AND THEY BURIED HIM IN HIS OWN HOUSE,.... That is, in the garden of his house, 2 Kings 21:18; there; to which may be added, that the Jews s in later times buried in a garden; though it was the custom of the ancients, both Greeks t and Romans u, to bur... [ Continue Reading ]

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