The apostle having given a commendation of the Gospel in the latter
part of the preceding chapter, does in this address the ministers of
it that were at Corinth, under the character of fellow labourers, and
by way of entreaty, that they would be careful to make it ap... [ Continue Reading ]
WE THEN, AS WORKERS TOGETHER WITH HIM,.... The ministers of the Gospel
are workers or labourers; their ministry is a work, and a very
laborious one, which none have strength equal to, and are sufficient
for; of themselves: it is a work that requires faithfulness and
diligence, is honourable; and tho... [ Continue Reading ]
are a citation from Isaiah 49:8 and are spoken by the Father to
Christ, declaring he had heard him, as he always did. He heard him
when he put up that prayer to him, recorded John 17:1 for the
glorification of himself, by strengthen... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVING NO OFFENCE IN ANYTHING,.... These words are in connection with
2 Corinthians 6:1 and to be considered either as a continuation of the
exhortation to others, that they would take care to give no offence to
any; or rather as an account the apostle gives of himself, and other
ministers, by way o... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT IN ALL THINGS APPROVING OURSELVES,.... It is not sufficient for a
minister of the Gospel to avoid everything that might bring any blot
or scandal on his ministry; but he should in all things, and by all
ways and means, proper, lawful, and laudable, approve, prove, and show
himself to be a true a... [ Continue Reading ]
IN STRIPES,.... As the Apostle Paul particularly was, who was thrice
beaten with rods, and five times scourged by the Jews with the scourge
of forty stripes save one.
IN IMPRISONMENTS; under which are included bonds, in which they often
were for the Gospel of Christ:
IN TUMULTS; and uproars of the... [ Continue Reading ]
BY PURENESS,.... The apostle having observed how he, and other
ministers of God, showed themselves to be such by patiently bearing
everything that was afflictive and distressing to the outward man,
proceeds to show how they approved themselves in other respects; and
which more chiefly regard the inw... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THE WORD OF TRUTH,.... By preaching the Gospel, truly, sincerely,
without any adulteration of it, which comes from the God of truth, has
for its subject matter Christ, who is the truth, and into which
ministers are guided by the Spirit of truth, and every doctrine of
which is truth:
BY THE POWER... [ Continue Reading ]
BY HONOUR AND DISHONOUR,.... Some persons think and speak honourably
of us, and behave in a reverent manner towards us; they wish us well,
bid us God speed, receive us into their houses, and treat us with
respect: others think meanly of us, speak of us with the utmost
contempt, and use us as if we w... [ Continue Reading ]
AS UNKNOWN, AND YET WELL KNOWN,.... Not unknown to Father, Son, and
Spirit, or to one another, but to the world; and that not with respect
to their outward estate, but their spiritual and eternal state; as
that they were the chosen of God, the children of God, and born again;
they knew not what a li... [ Continue Reading ]
AS SORROWFUL, YET ALWAYS REJOICING,.... As to their outward appearance
they are
SORROWFUL, and oftentimes really so on account of sin, their own and
others, by reason of afflictions, temporal and spiritual; and as to
the state and condition of the church of Christ, and the interest of
religion: and... [ Continue Reading ]
O YE CORINTHIANS,.... The apostle having exhorted the ministers of the
church at Corinth to take care of their ministry, that they fulfil it,
and that it might appear that the Gospel, and gifts fitting them to
preach it, were not received in vain by them; all which he strengthens
and encourages by h... [ Continue Reading ]
YE ARE NOT STRAITENED IN US,.... The meaning of which is, either you
are not brought into straits and difficulties by us; we do not afflict
and distress you, or fill you with anguish and trouble;
BUT YE ARE STRAITENED IN YOUR OWN BOWELS; you are distressed by some
among yourselves, who ought not to... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW FOR A RECOMPENCE IN THE SAME,.... That your love to me may answer
mine to you; that as you have my heart, I may have yours, and the same
room in your heart, as you have in mine. The Vulgate Latin version
reads, "having the same recompence"; and the Arabic version renders
it, "grant to me the sam... [ Continue Reading ]
be an allusion to the law in Deuteronomy 22:10 and to be a mystical
explanation of it; and is to be understood not as forbidding civil
society and converse with unbelievers; for this is impracticable, then
must believers needs go... [ Continue Reading ]
Hebrew word, and is only used in this place in the New Testament, but
often in the Old; this word is differently read and pronounced, some
copies read it "Beliar", and accordingly in the Ethiopic version it is
"Belhor", and by Jer... [ Continue Reading ]
what association, confederation, or covenant agreement can the saints,
who are the temple of God, have with idols, or their worshippers? no
more than the ark of the Lord had with Dagon, or Dagon with the ark;
which when brought into... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM,.... Since they were the temple of
the living God, built up an habitation for the Most High; since he
resided among them, took his walks in the midst of them, was their
God, and they were his people. These words are taken out of Isaiah
52:11 where the several phras... [ Continue Reading ]
AND WILL BE A FATHER UNTO YOU,.... The same is promised to Solomon, 2
Samuel 7:14 and said of Israel, Jeremiah 31:9 which is thought to be
referred unto. This is not to be understood of the first commencement
of this relation, as though God now began to be their Father; nor
indeed of the first manif... [ Continue Reading ]