Amos 4 - Introduction

INTRODUCTION TO AMOS 4 In this chapter, the great ones, or the people of Israel, are threatened with calamities for their oppression of the poor, Amos 4:1; and in an ironic manner are reproved for their idolatry, Amos 4:4; then follows an enumeration of several judgments that had been upon them, ye... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:1

HEAR THIS WORD, YE KINE OF BASHAN,.... Or "cows of Bashan" n; a country beyond Jordan, inhabited by the tribes of Gad and Reuben, and the half tribe of Manasseh, very fruitful of pasturage, and where abundance of fat cattle were brought up; to whom persons of distinction, and of the first rank, are... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:2

THE LORD GOD HATH SWORN BY HIS HOLINESS,.... That is, by himself, holiness being his nature, and an essential attribute of his; this is done to ascertain the truth of what is after said, and that men may be assured of the certain performance of it. Some render it, "by his holy place"; and interpret... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:3

AND YE SHALL GO OUT AT THE BREACHES,.... Not at the gates of the city, as they had used to do at pleasure; but at the breaches of the walls of it, made by the enemy, in order to make their escape, if possible; they who had broke down the fences of law and justice, and injured the poor and needy, sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:4

COME TO BETHEL AND TRANSGRESS,.... and what follows, are ironic and sarcastic speeches, not giving liberty to sin, but in this way reproving for it: Bethel was one of the places where the calves were placed and worshipped: and here they are bid to go thither, and go on with and continue in their ido... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:5

AND OFFER A SACRIFICE OF THANKSGIVING WITH LEAVEN,.... Which some observe was contrary to the law, which forbids all leaven in a meat offering; or "burning" it in any offering, Leviticus 2:11; which the word t here used suggests was done by these idolaters, as well as eaten by them, their priests no... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:6

AND I ALSO HAVE GIVEN YOU CLEANNESS OF TEETH IN ALL YOUR CITIES,.... Meaning a famine, having no food to foul them with, or to stick in them. This was not the famine in Samaria, 2 Kings 6:25; for that was only in that city, and for a short time, while besieged; whereas this was in all the cities in... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:7

AND ALSO I HAVE WITHHOLDEN THE RAIN FROM YOU,.... As he did for the space of three years successively in the days of Ahab, as predicted by Elijah, 1 Kings 17:1; the consequences of which are very bad to men and beast, and bring on a scarcity of food for both, and a famine if long withheld: WHEN [TH... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:8

SO TWO [OR] THREE CITIES WANDERED UNTO ONE CITY, TO DRINK WATER,.... Two or three cities, that is, the inhabitants of them, being without water, went up and down in quest of any city or place where they could find water for themselves and cattle to drink: BUT THEY WERE NOT SATISFIED; could not get... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:9

I HAVE SMITTEN YOU WITH BLASTING AND MILDEW,.... "Blasting" is what we commonly call "blights", generally occasioned by an east wind; and so Kimchi interprets the word here used; and the Vulgate Latin version renders it, "a burning wind"; which causes the buds and leaves of trees to shrivel up as if... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:10

I HAVE SENT AMONG YOU THE PESTILENCE, AFTER THE MANNER OF EGYPT,.... Like that which was sent among the firstborn of Egypt, and cut them off in one night; or when in the way of Egypt, as the Targum; either as in the wilderness, when they came out of Egypt, so Jarchi interprets it; see Numbers 16:46;... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:11

I HAVE OVERTHROWN [SOME] OF YOU, AS GOD OVERTHREW SODOM AND GOMORRAH,.... Either their houses were burnt, or their bodies consumed by fire from heaven, with lightning; not whole cities, but the habitations of some particular persons, or they themselves: AND YE WERE AS A FIREBRAND PLUCKED OUT OF THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:12

THEREFORE THUS WILL I DO UNTO THEE, O ISRAEL,.... What he would do is not expressly and particularly said; it is commonly understood to be something in a way of judgment, and worse than what he had done, since they had no effect upon them; or these things should be done over again, until an utter en... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 4:13

FOR, LO, HE THAT FORMETH THE MOUNTAINS,.... These words are a description of the glorious Person, "thy God" and Saviour, to be met; he is the Creator of all things, that formed the mountains, and so was before them, as in Proverbs 8:25; and able to surmount and remove all mountains of difficulties t... [ Continue Reading ]

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