John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
Ezekiel 39 - Introduction
This chapter is a continuation of the prophecy of the destruction of Gog, which is both repeated, and more largely described, Ezekiel 39:1, then follows an account of the burning of his weapons of war, which will last seven years in burning, during which time there will be no need of the use of wood, Ezekiel 39:9, and of the burial of him, and many of his army; the place where, and the time that will be taken up in doing this, even seven months, are observed, Ezekiel 39:11, and every feathered fowl and beast of the field are called upon to feed on the flesh of those that are left unburied, Ezekiel 39:17 and by all this the glory of the Lord will be seen, known, and acknowledged, both by the Heathens, and by the house of Israel, Ezekiel 39:21, and the former will also be informed that the present captivity of the Jews has been for their sins and transgressions, Ezekiel 39:23, and the chapter is concluded with a promise of their return from captivity, when they shall know the Lord, and their interest in him; who will after this no more hide his face from them, but pour out his Spirit upon them, under whose influence they shall ever continue, Ezekiel 39:25.