As we have therefore opportunity,.... Or "ability", so the phrase is sometimes used z; as occasion requires, objects offer, as there is ability of well doing, and that continues; while the time of life lasts, which is the time for sowing, or doing good works:

let us do good unto all men; not only to our relations, friends, and acquaintance, but to all men; to them that are strangers to us, of whatsoever nation, Jew or Gentile; and of whatsoever religion or sect, yea, even to our very enemies:

especially unto them who are of the household of faith: the children of God, that belong to his family, are true believers in Christ, hold the doctrine of faith, make a profession of it, and keep it fast; these are more especially to be the objects of Christian beneficence and liberality. The apostle may have sense reference to a practice among the Jews, who took a particular care of the children of good men that were poor;

"there were two chambers in the temple, the one was called the chamber of secrets, and the other the chamber of vessels: into the chamber of secrets, religious men used to put privately, whereby were privately maintained the poor בני טובים, "of the children of good men" a.''

The Targumist on Jeremiah 5:3 has a phrase much like to this applied to God, paraphrasing the passage thus; is it not, O Lord, revealed before thee, לאוטבא לעבדי הימנותא, "to do good to the servants of faith?"

z See Hammond on. Phil. iv. 10. a Misn. Shekalim, c. 5. sect. 6.

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