Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag,.... Either to their idols, to fortune and the stars, as Aben Ezra; imagining they gave them success, and prospered them in the arts and methods they used: or to their arms, as the Targum; nor was it unusual with the Heathens to worship their spears, sacrifice to them, and swear by them g. So Justin says h, originally the ancients worshipped spears for gods, in memory of whose religion spears are still added to the images of the gods. Lucian i asserts that the Scythians sacrificed to a scimitar; and Arnobius k says the same; and Ammianus Marcellinus l reports, that the Quadi worship their swords or daggers instead of gods; and that it was usual to swear by the spear is evident from others m. Or else the sense is, they sacrificed to their own valour and courage, skill and conduct.

Because by them their portion [is] fat, and their meat plenteous: that is, by their angle, net, and drag; or by those things signified by them, the arts and methods they used to subdue nations, conquer kingdoms, and bring them into subjection to them; they enlarged their dominions, increased their riches and revenues, and had plenty of everything that was desirable for food and raiment, for pleasure and profit; or to gratify the most unbounded ambition, having everything that heart could wish for and desire: the allusion is to making sumptuous feasts, and rich banquets, on occasion of victories obtained.

g Vid. Doughtaei Analect. Sacra, p. 494, 495. h E Trogo, l. 43. c. 3, 4. i In Jupiter Tragoedus. k Adv. Gentes, l. 6. p. 232. l Hist. l. 17. m ομνυσι δ'ουιχμην, Aeschylus.

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