Therefore will I return, and take away,.... Or, "take away again" k; an usual Hebraism:

my corn in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof; for though these are the gifts of God to men for their use, and to dispose of for the good of others; yet he retains his property in them, and can and will call them to an account for their stewardship; and, when he pleases, take away both their office, and the good things they were intrusted with, not making a right use of them; and this he does in his own appointed time and season, or at such a time when these are at the best, and the greatest good is expected from them, and which therefore is the more afflictive; as in the time of harvest and vintage, so Kimchi, when corn and grapes are fully ripe; or, as the Targum, in the time of the corn being on the floor, and of the pressure of the wine:

and will recover my wool, and my flax, given "to cover her nakedness"; or, "I will take away"; by force and violence, as out of the hands of thieves, and robbers, and usurpers, who have no right to them, being forfeited; these were given to cover her nakedness, but not to deck herself with for the honour of her idols, or to cherish pride and superstition; see Matthew 23:5 these were all taken away when the Romans came and took away their place and nation, John 11:48. The Septuagint and Arabic versions give the sense as if these were taken,

that they might not cover her nakedness, or "shame"; but that it might be exposed, as follows:

k אשוב ולקחתי "iterum capiam", Drusius; "recipiam", Liveleus.

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