In this chapter is a prophecy of the taking and burning of Jerusalem; of the captivity of Zedekiah king of Judah; and of the destruction of the whole land, because of their breach of covenant to let servants go free. The time of this prophecy is observed, Jeremiah 34:1; the taking and burning of the city, Jeremiah 34:2; the carrying captive the king, who yet should not die a violent death, but in peace, and should have an honourable funeral, Jeremiah 34:3; the covenant the king, princes, and people entered into, to let their servants go free, according to the law of God, which was at first observed, and afterwards retracted, Jeremiah 34:8; which conduct is taken notice of and resented, Jeremiah 34:13; and they are threatened with the sore judgments of God, sword, famine, pestilence, and captivity, the king, princes, priests, and people; and with the destruction, not on of Jerusalem, but of the rest of the cities of Judah, Jeremiah 34:17.

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