But put forth thine hand now,.... With draw thine hand of providence, power, and protection, with which thou hast covered and screened him; and, instead of that, "send" u forth thine afflicting hand, not barely in a way of chastisement and correction, but in wrath and vengeance, consuming and destroying all he had; and this he desires might be done now, immediately, without delay, while Job was in the midst of his prosperity; for Satan was in haste to have mischief done to him, being an object of his great hatred and enmity: some, instead of "now", render it, "I pray thee" w, as being an entreaty of Satan, and an importunate one, and which he was eagerly desirous of obtaining; well knowing that no hurt could be done to Job without leave from God, or his doing it himself: the Vulgate Latin version is, "put forth thine hand a little", as if its being exerted but a little, or a small touch of it, would be sufficient to discover Job's hypocrisy; but Satan doubtless knew Job better than this suggests, and that such was his integrity, that a small trial would not affect him; and besides, he immediately adds:

and touch all that he hath; which was not a slight touch, but an heavy one, reaching to all his family and substance, and to his person too, and the health of it at least; as appears by the proviso or saving clause put in by the Lord afterwards, when he gave leave to smite him:

and he will curse thee to thy face; or, if he does not curse thee to thy face x; then, let it be so and so with me, worse than it now is; let me have my full damnation; for the words are an imprecation of the devil, wishing the worst of evils to himself, if Job, in such circumstances, did not "curse" God to his "face"; that is, not only openly and publicly, but impudently; signifying that he would fly in his face, like a man passionate, furious, and enraged, and like those wicked persons, hungry and hardly bestead, that would fret and curse their king and their God, Isaiah 8:21 or like those men, who, under their pains and sores, blasphemed him that had power over them, Revelation 16:10, or like those carnal professors, whose words were stout against God, Malachi 3:13 in suchlike passionate expressions Satan insinuates Job would break out against God, murmuring at and complaining of his providence, arraigning his wisdom, righteousness, and holiness, in his dealings with him: or, if "he does not bless thee to thy face" y, as it may be rendered; that is, either he "will bid thee farewell" z, and apostatize from thee, Job 1:5 as sometimes nominal professors do, when affliction and tribulation come upon them, they are offended, and drop their profession, Matthew 13:21 or, as others, "if he hath not blessed thee to thy face" a; then let it be thus with me, that is, it will be then a clear case, that Job in times past had only blessed God to his face, or outwardly; he had only honoured him with his lips, but his heart was far from him, and his fear towards him taught by the precept of men, as is the character of hypocrites,

Isaiah 29:13 this Satan wickedly insinuates; one of the Targums is,

"if he does not provoke thee to the face of thy Word;''

Ben Melech interprets על פניו "by thy life", and takes it to be the form of an oath.

u שלח "mitte", Pagninus, Montanus, Junius Tremellius, Schmidt. w נא "quaeso", Junius Tremellius, Piscator, Bolducius. x אם לא "si non", Schultens. y "Nisi in faciem tuam benedicet tibi", Piscator, Schmidt. z "Si non in faciem tuam valere te jussurus sit", Schultens. a "Si non super facies tuas benedixerit tibi", Montanus.

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