It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir,.... Which is often spoken of in Scripture as choice gold, if not the best;

Job 22:24; the sense is, that the gold of Ophir is not of the value of wisdom, or of the same worth with that, and so not sufficient to purchase it: with the precious onyx and sapphire: two precious stones that were in the breastplate of the high priest, of which Exodus 28:9,

Exodus 28:18, and

Exodus 28:20; but not so precious, or of such value as wisdom. Pliny y speaks of the onyx stone as in Arabia, near which Job lived, and who doubtless was acquainted with it and its worth, and also with the sapphire he makes mention of before,

Job 28:6. The word for "valued" is by some rendered "strowed" z, as goods are when they are exposed to sale; but wisdom should not be laid, or put on a level with these, though so excellent and precious.

y Nat. Hist. l. 37. c. 6. z תסלה "verbum significat sternere", Michaelis.

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