He paweth in the valley,.... Where armies are usually pitched and set in battle army, and especially the cavalry, for which the valley is most convenient; and here the horse is impatient of engaging, cannot stand still, but rises up with his fore feet and paws and prances, and, as the word signifies, digs the earth and makes it hollow, by a continual striking upon it; so generally horses are commonly described in this manner s;

and rejoiceth in [his] strength; of which he is sensible, and glories in it; marches to the battle with pride and stateliness, defying, as it were, the enemy, and as if sure of victory, of which he has knowledge when obtained; for Lactantius says t of horses, when conquerors they exult, when conquered they grieve; it has its name in the Hebrew language from rejoicing u;

he goeth on to meet the armed men; without any fear or dread of them, as follows.

s "Cavatque tellurem". Virgil. Georgic. l. 3. v. 87. t Institut. l. 3. c. 8. u שוש "gavisus est". Vid. Buxtorf. in voce סוס.

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