And they raised over him a great heap of stones unto this day,.... That is, at the place where he suffered, or where they laid his ashes, they heaped up a pile of stones over him, as a monument whereby it might be known hereafter where he was executed and was buried; and which pile continued to the writing of this history: such sort of funeral monuments were usual with the Heathens s also as well as with the Jews, see Joshua 8:29; so the Lord turned from the fierceness of his anger; or the effects of it ceased; the outward face of things was altered, the dealings of God in his providence with Israel were changed; though, properly speaking, there is no change in God, nor such affections and passions in him as in man:

wherefore the name of the place was called the valley of Achor unto this day; from the trouble Achan met with, and the people of Israel on his account, see Joshua 7:24; and so it was called in the days of Isaiah and Hosea, Isaiah 65:10; and where it is prophesied of as what should be in time to come: according to Bunting t, it was twelve miles from Jerusalem; Jerom u says it was at the north of Jericho, but Lamy w, following Bonfrerius, places it to the south; see

Joshua 15:7.

s Vid. Pausan. Arcadica, sive, l. 8. p. 477. Phocica, sive, l. 10. p. 616, 617. t Travels of the Patriarchs, c. p. 98. u De loc. Heb. fol. 88. B. w Apparat. Geograph. p. 61.

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