Came behind him,.... In the press and crowd of people, being ashamed to come before him, and tell him her case:

and touched the border of his garment the fringe the Jews were obliged to wear at the bottom of their garments, Numbers 15:38 and which the more religious sort did, for by this they were distinguished from the common people: it is asked p,

"who is a plebeian, or one of the common people? every one that does not read "Keriat Shema", (i.e. hear, O Israel), c. Deuteronomy 6:4 morning and evening, with the blessings belonging to it, the words of R. Meir: but the wise men say, whoever does not put on the "Tephillin" (the frontlets, Deuteronomy 6:8) Ben Azzai says, whoever has not ציצית, "the fringe" on his garment''

Matthew 9:20. This woman was persuaded in her own mind, if she could but touch the clothes of Christ, she should be healed, and accordingly she was:

and immediately her issue of blood staunched stopped, and was dried up; Mark 5:28.

p T. Bab Succa, fol. 22. 1.

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