Mark 10:1

AND HE AROSE FROM THENCE,.... From Galilee, and particularly from Capernaum: AND COMETH INTO THE COASTS OF JUDEA; into those places, which bordered on that part of the land of Israel, called Judea, as distinct from Galilee: BY, or rather "to" THE FURTHER SIDE OF JORDAN; which he crossed at the br... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:2

AND THE: PHARISEES CAME UNTO HIM,.... As they every where did; not to be instructed by him, but to ensnare him; AND ASKED HIM, IS IT LAWFUL FOR A MAN TO PUT AWAY HIS WIFE? that is, as Matthew adds, "for every cause", Matthew 19:3: for, a divorce might be lawfully made for a cause, or reason, namely... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:3

AND HE ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM,.... Very prudently and wisely, WHAT DID MOSES COMMAND YOU? according to Matthew, he put another question to them; see Matthew 19:4; no doubt but both were put, and this after they had urged the authority and law of Moses: and therefore be very pertinently asks th... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:4

AND THEY SAID,.... By way of reply, MOSES SUFFERED TO WRITE A BILL OF DIVORCEMENT, AND TO PUT HER AWAY, Moses did not command them to divorce their wives, only suffered them to do so: and gave orders that if they could not bear that they should live with them, but would divorce them, that they shou... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:5

AND JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM,.... With respect to this command, or sufferance of Moses, which they urged: FOR THE HARDNESS OF YOUR HEART HE WROTE YOU THIS PRECEPT; it was, not because it was right in its own nature, or according to the original will of God; but, because the Jews were such... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:6

BUT FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION,.... Of the world, or of man: מתחלת ברייתו של עולם, "from the beginning of the creation of the world", is a way of speaking often used by the Jews r: the phrase "of the creation" is left out in the Syriac and Persic versions; and so it was in Beza's most ancien... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:7

FOR THIS CAUSE SHALL A MAN LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER,.... The Persic version adds, "and brethren and sisters", though without any foundation in the original text, in Genesis 2:24, from whence this passage is cited; or in any copy of the evangelist: AND CLEAVE TO HIS WIFE; Matthew 19:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:8

AND THE TWAIN SHALL BE ONE FLESH,.... This is the remaining part of the citation out of Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; SO THEN THEY ARE NO MORE TWAIN; BUT ONE FLESH; as Adam and Eve were both by creation and marriage: and so two persons, a man and woman, being lawfully married together, become one fl... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:10

AND IN THE HOUSE,.... To which Christ retired, after he had put the Pharisees to silence, and dismissed the multitude: HIS DISCIPLES ASKED HIM AGAIN OF THE SAME MATTER; concerning the affair of divorces, be bad been discoursing with the Pharisees about; some things being said, they had not been use... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:11

AND HE SAITH UNTO THEM,.... The same things as in Mt 5:32, 19:9; Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:9: WHOSOEVER SHALL PUT AWAY HIS WIFE, AND MARRY ANOTHER; when there is no uncleanness in the case; when his former wile has not injured him by violating the marriage bed: COMMITTETH ADULTERY AGAINST HER; to... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:12

AND IF A WOMAN SHALL PUT AWAY HER HUSBAND,.... Not that there was the same law, or the same sufferance by the law of Moses, for a woman to put away her husband, as for the husband to put away the wife; nor was it practised among the Jews, unless it came to be in use about this time, in their declini... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:13

AND THEY BROUGHT YOUNG CHILDREN TO HIM,.... The parents, or friends, or nurses of the children in those parts, having heard of the fame of Jesus; and having entertained an high opinion of him, as a great prophet, and a holy, good man, brought their children in their arms, or hands, THAT HE SHOULD T... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:14

BUT WHEN JESUS SAW IT,.... Observed that his disciples reproved those that brought their children to, him, HE WAS MUCH DISPLEASED; with his disciples, who took too much upon them; for they ought first, to have known their master's will; whether it was his pleasure to grant the favour desired for th... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:15

VERILY I SAY, UNTO YOU,.... A form of speech used when our Lord was about to asseverate a thing, and assert something of moment and importance, and which he would have attended to. WHOSOEVER SHALL NOT RECEIVE THE KINGDOM OF GOD; the Gospel, and the mysteries of it: AS A LITTLE CHILD; laying aside... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:16

AND HE TOOK THEM UP IN HIS ARMS,.... "Upon his arms", the Syriac version says; "he put them into his bosom", according to the Ethiopic; and the Persic renders it, "he took them into his bosom": all which expresses great tenderness towards them, and affection for them: PUT HIS HANDS UPON THEM, AND B... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:17

AND WHEN HE WAS GONE FORTH INTO THE WAY,.... For when he had blessed the children he departed from the coasts of Judea, on the further side of Jordan, and steered his course towards Jerusalem, Mark 10:32, and as he was on the road thitherwards, THERE CAME ONE RUNNING; a young man, a ruler among the... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:18

AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM,.... The same as in Mt. 19:17, Matthew 19:17. WHY CALLEST THOU ME GOOD? This is said, not as denying that he was good, or as being angry with him for calling him so, but in order to lead this young man to a true knowledge of him, and his goodness, and even of his proper dei... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:19

THOU KNOWEST THE COMMANDMENTS,.... Which God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai; these the Jews taught their children; so that this young man might reasonably be thought to know what, and how many they were, though he was ignorant of the extent and spirituality of them; DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, DO NOT KIL... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:20

AND HE ANSWERED AND, SAID UNTO HIM,.... With a great deal of pertness, MASTER, ALL THESE HAVE I OBSERVED FROM MY YOUTH; Matthew 19:20. In a certain copy, Beza says, it is added, as there, "what lack I yet?" and so in one of Stephens's copies.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:21

THEN JESUS, BEHOLDING HIM, LOVED HIM,.... Not as God, with that special love, with which he loves his people, who were given him by the Father, are redeemed by his blood, whom he calls by his grace, justifies by his righteousness, forgives their iniquities, and, at last, glorifies: but as man, he ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:22

AND, HE WAS SAD AT THAT SAYING,.... That he lacked one thing, and especially that he should be bid to sell all that he had, and give it away; and what might add to his sadness is, that he must take up the cross of reproach, affliction, persecution, and death; his countenance fell upon this, AND WEN... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:23

AND JESUS LOOKED ROUND ABOUT,.... To see what effect the discourse he had with the young man, and the consequence of it, had upon his disciples; as also to raise their attention to what he was about, to say: AND SAITH UNTO HIS DISCIPLES, HOW HARDLY SHALL THEY THAT HAVE RICHES ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:24

AND THE DISCIPLES WERE ASTONISHED AT HIS WORDS,.... For they expected, in a little while, that the kingdom of the Messiah would be set up in great worldly pomp and grandeur; and that all the rich men of the nation would come into it, become his subjects, and join to support the glory and splendour o... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:26

AND THEY WERE ASTONISHED OUT OF MEASURE,.... They were still more amazed, their surprise increased exceedingly upon our Lord's using the above comparison; which, in their apprehension, showed, that it was utterly impossible for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God; and they expressed their as... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:27

AND JESUS, LOOKING UPON THEM,.... And by their countenances saw the surprise and anxiety of mind they were in, as well as by his omniscience, knew their private reasonings among themselves: SAITH, WITH MEN IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT NOT WITH GOD; FOR WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE; even to reduce a ca... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:28

THEN PETER BEGAN TO SAY UNTO HIM,.... only observing that Christ promised treasure in heaven to the young man, provided he sold all that he had, and gave it to the poor; but being, in some measure, freed from that surprise and astonishment, which had seized him, and his fellow disciples, at the repr... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:29

AND JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU,.... This evangelist omits what Matthew relates; that whereas Peter, and his fellow disciples had followed Christ in the present time, hereafter when he appeared in his glory, they should sit upon twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israe... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:30

BUT HE SHALL RECEIVE AN HUNDRED FOLD NOW IN THIS TIME,.... Not that he should have an hundred houses, brethren, c. but that he should enjoy that even in this present life, which was an hundred times better than any of the things mentioned namely, HOUSES, AND BRETHREN, AND SISTERS, AND MOTHERS, AND... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:32

AND THEY WERE IN THE WAY,.... Upon the road, having left the coasts of Judea on the further side of Jordan: GOING UP TO JERUSALEM; to the passover there, which was to be in a short time, and where Christ was to suffer and die; for this was the last journey he took, and the last passover he was to e... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:33

[SAYING], BEHOLD WE GO UP TO JERUSALEM,.... They were now upon the road thither. AND THE SON OF MAN; meaning himself, SHALL BE DELIVERED UNTO THE CHIEF PRIESTS, AND UNTO THE SCRIBES; by the determinate counsel, and foreknowledge of God, and by the means of a treacherous disciple of his, Judas. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:34

AND THEY SHALL MOCK HIM, AND SHALL SCOURGE HIM,.... The Gentiles, as the Roman soldiers did; the one at the connivance, and the other by the order of their governor: AND SHALL SPIT UPON HIM; on his face, as the Syriac and Persic versions render it, and as they did; see Mark 15:19. This clause is pl... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:35

AND JAMES, AND JOHN, THE SONS OF ZEBEDEE, CAME UNTO HIM,.... Along with their mother, who was their mouth, and spoke for them, and they by her: SAYING, MASTER, WE WOULD THAT THOU SHOULDST DO FOR US WHATSOEVER WE SHALL DESIRE: that is, we earnestly desire, that whereas we have a favour to ask of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:36

AND HE SAID UNTO THEM,.... And also to their mother, and to them by her, what WOULD YE THAT I SHOULD DO FOR YOU? Christ insists upon their telling him the particular thing they wanted to have done for them, before he would give them any promise, though he knew very well what it was they were desiro... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:37

THEY SAID UNTO HIM,.... By their mother, or seconding her motion: GRANT UNTO US THAT WE MAY SIT, ONE ON THY RIGHT HAND, AND THE OTHER ON THY LEFT HAND, IN THY GLORY; or glorious kingdom, which they expected would be quickly set up; and which they might conclude from his having lately promised to al... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:38

BUT JESUS SAID UNTO THEM,.... Not by granting them what they desired, but by observing their ignorance to them; YE KNOW NOT WHAT YE ASK: for sometimes good men are ignorant petitioners at the throne of grace; they are under the influence of their own spirits, and not the Spirit of God; they are pro... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:39

AND THEY SAID UNTO HIM WE CAN,.... That is, drink of Christ's cup and be baptized with his baptism which is another instance of their ignorance; for as they knew not the glorious state of things and the nature of it they desired places in so they were unacquainted with themselves; they were ignorant... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:40

BUT TO SIT ON MY RIGHT HAND AND ON MY LEFT, IS MINE TO GIVE,.... There being no such places in his kingdom in the sense they petitioned; and as for the glories of the heavenly state or eternal life, the gift of these was not to be settled now it being done already: and though he had a power to give... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:41

AND WHEN THE TEN HEARD IT,.... The request made by the sons of Zebedee or their mother for them: THEY BEGAN TO BE MUCH DISPLEASED WITH JAMES AND JOHN; Matthew says "they were moved with indignation against them", Matthew 20:24; they were filled with, wrath and were very angry with them; which they... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:42

BUT JESUS CALLED THEM TO HIM,.... Who were at some little distance from him, though so nigh, that he could discern the heat and passion they were in, and knowing that they had the same ambitious views with the two brethren: AND SAITH UNTO THEM, to check their pride and vanity and reprove them for t... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:43

BUT SO SHALL IT NOT BE AMONG YOU,.... Or "so let it not be", as in many copies; or as the Persic version renders it, "it ought not to be so among you"; such a lordly spirit does not become you; this is heathenish: BUT WHOSOEVER WILL BE GREAT AMONG YOU SHALL BE, as in Matthew "let him", Matthew 20:2... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:44

AND WHOSOEVER OF YOU WILL BE THE CHIEFEST,.... Is desirous of the highest place and the greatest honour SHALL BE SERVANT OF ALL: for the ministers of the Gospel are not only the servants of Christ Jesus, but also of the churches for his sake; and in serving them, they serve Christ: not that they ar... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:45

FOR EVEN THE SON OF MAN,.... That is, Christ himself; a name by which he frequently goes both in the Old and New Testament to the arguments before produced, Christ adds his own example, to teach his disciples humility and lowliness of mind and to check their ambitious views and desires: CAME NOT TO... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:46

AND THEY CAME TO JERICHO,.... Christ and his disciples, from the coasts of Judea, beyond Jordan, in their way to Jerusalem; where Christ met with Zaccheus and converted him, and after some short stay at his house, departed thence; AND AS HE WENT OUT OF JERICHO WITH HIS DISCIPLES, AND A GREAT NUMBER... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:47

AND WHEN HE HEARD THAT IT WAS JESUS OF NAZARETH,.... "That passed by", as reads the Persic version; which he might learn, by inquiring the meaning of such a multitude of people, and the noise; or he might hear his name frequently mentioned, and it said, that, he, was coming, or passing by: HE BEGAN... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:48

AND MANY CHARGED HIM THAT HE SHOULD HOLD HIS PEACE,.... And be silent, and not call him the son of David, at least; nor ask any thing of him: BUT HE CRIED THE MORE A GREAT DEAL: he lifted up his voice more loudly, and repeated the same words quicker and oftener, and with greater vehemency and impor... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:49

AND JESUS STOOD STILL,.... Hearing his voice, and knowing what charges and reproofs were given him to be silent: AND COMMANDED HIM TO BE CALLED and led and brought unto him: this order was given; either to his disciples, or to some of the multitude, probably the latter: AND THEY CALL THE BLIND MAN... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:50

AND HE CASTING AWAY HIS GARMENT,.... His upper garment, and which no doubt was little worth; though this he did, that he might make the quicker dispatch to Christ: ROSE; from off the bank, or ground, whereon he sat, in an instant: and "sprung up", as the Vulgate Latin, and Beza's ancient copy read,... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:51

AND JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM,.... Being come to him, and standing before him: WHAT WILT THOU THAT I SHOULD DO UNTO THEE? What means this vehement cry? what is it thou designest by mercy? is it money thou askest for, to relieve thy wants? or is it that thy sight may be restored? THE BLIND M... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:52

AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, GO THY WAY,.... The Syriac version reads, it, חזא, "see"; receive thy sight, be it unto thee as thou dost desire; and which is the sense of, "go thy way": to to thine own house, or place of abode; and about thy business; thy request is granted: THY FAITH HATH MADE THEE WHOL... [ Continue Reading ]

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