Matthew 15:1

THEN CAME TO JESUS SCRIBES AND PHARISEES,.... After he had wrought so many miracles, particularly that of feeding five thousand men; besides women and children, with five loaves and two fishes: the fame of which had reached Jerusalem, and occasioned much talk there about him: the Scribes and Pharise... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:2

WHY DO THY DISCIPLES TRANSGRESS THE TRADITION OF THE ELDERS?.... Having observed, for some little time, the conduct of Christ and his disciples, they thought proper to take no notice of him as yet, but of them; and of them, not as transgressing any command of God, but of men; not being able to charg... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:3

BUT HE ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM,.... Taking no notice of the tradition about eating bread without washing the hands, whether it was right or wrong; it being at most but an human tradition, of no moment and importance, whether it was broke or kept; he makes a very just recrimination, by putting an... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:4

FOR GOD COMMANDED, SAYING,.... That he might not be thought to suggest this without any foundation, he gives them an instance, wherein a command of God was transgressed, by the observance of their tradition: the command he refers to, stands in Exodus 20:12 and is this; HONOUR THY FATHER AND MOTHER... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:5

Ver. 5 6. BUT YE SAY, WHOSOEVER SHALL SAY TO HIS FATHER OR MOTHER,.... That is, it was a tradition of their's, that if a man should say to his father and mother, when poor and in distress, and made application to him for sustenance, IT IS A GIFT, BY WHATSOEVER THOU MIGHTEST BE PROFITED BY ME, AND H... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:7

YE HYPOCRITES,.... After our Lord had given so full a proof of their making void the commandments of God by their traditions, he might very justly, as he does, call them hypocrites; who pretended to so much religion and holiness, and yet scrupled not, upon occasion, to set aside a divine command; wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:8

THIS PEOPLE DRAWETH NIGH UNTO ME WITH THEIR MOUTH,.... The preface to these words, or the form in which they are introduced by the prophet; "wherefore the Lord said", is left out in this citation, being unnecessary here, though of the greatest importance there; partly to show, that what was about to... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:9

BUT IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME,.... In the Hebrew text it is, "their fear towards me": which is rightly expressed here by "worship"; for the fear of God often intends the whole worship of God, both external and internal: here it only signifies external worship, which these men only attended to. They... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:10

AND HE CALLED THE MULTITUDE,.... Having silenced the Scribes and Pharisees, and judging it not worth his while to say any more to men so obstinate and perverse; who were not open to conviction, nor would attend to any argument or reason, though ever so clear and strong, against their darling notions... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:11

NOT THAT WHICH GOETH INTO THE MOUTH DEFILETH THE MAN,.... No sorts of meats, or drinks, or whatever is proper food for men, or manner of eating and drinking them, when moderately used, defile a man, or render him loathsome and odious in the sight God. This is directly opposite to the notions of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:12

THEN CAME HIS DISCIPLES, AND SAID UNTO HIM,.... That is, after he had dismissed the people, and was come into a private house; see Mark 7:17 his disciples came to him, being alone, full of concern, for what he had said to the Pharisees, and before all the people; and not so well understanding it the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:13

BUT HE ANSWERED, AND SAID,.... As being unconcerned at their rage, and having nothing to fear from them; and being well satisfied, that what he had said was right, and would produce proper effects, he gave his disciples this for answer: EVERY PLANT WHICH MY HEAVENLY FATHER HATH NOT PLANTED, SHALL B... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:14

LET THEM ALONE,.... Have nothing to say, or do with them; do not mind their anger and resentment, their reproaches and reflections, nor trouble yourselves at the offence they have taken; if they will go, let them go; they are a worthless generation of men, who are not to be regarded, hearkened to, n... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:15

THEN ANSWERED PETER,.... Mark says, "his disciples asked him concerning the parable"; which might be by the mouth of Peter; who, probably, being the eldest man, and very forward to speak, was generally their spokesman: and who, at this time, might be requested, by the rest, to ask the meaning of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:16

AND JESUS SAID,.... As wondering at, and as being displeased with, and as reproving them for their dulness and ignorance: ARE YE ALSO YET WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING? you, my disciples, as well as the Scribes and Pharisees; you, who have been with me so long, who have heard so many discourses from me, wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:17

DO NOT YE UNDERSTAND,.... You must understand, you cannot be so ignorant, THAT WHATSOEVER ENTERETH IN AT THE MOUTH, GOETH INTO THE BELLY, AND IS CAST OUT INTO THE DRAUGHT? that is, that whatsoever food a man takes in at his mouth, he swallows down, and it is received into his stomach; which, having... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:18

BUT THOSE THINGS WHICH PROCEED OUT OF THE MOUTH,.... Meaning not material things, as spittle, vomit, c. but, as it follows, which COME FORTH FROM THE HEART: are first conceived and formed there, and then come forth from thence, and are expressed by the mouth as all idle words, foolish talking, filt... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:19

FOR OUT OF THE HEART PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS,.... Of God, of Christ, of the Spirit, of fellow creatures, and of all sorts of wickedness. The thoughts of sin are evil, are to be hated, forsaken, and for which men are accountable to God. All wicked imaginations, carnal reasonings, lustful desires, and m... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:20

THESE ARE THE THINGS WHICH DEFILE A MAN,.... These are filthy in themselves, and must pollute all in whom they are; they bring a defilement on the whole man, both body and soul, fasten guilt upon him, and expose him to everlasting punishment: BUT TO EAT WITH UNWASHEN HANDS DEFILETH NOT A MAN: shoul... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:21

THEN JESUS WENT THENCE,.... From the land of Gennesaret, after he had silenced the Pharisees, as to the charge brought by them against his disciples; and when he had reproved them for their hypocrisy and wickedness, in making void the commands of God by their traditions; and had explained some diffi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:22

AND BEHOLD A WOMAN OF CANAAN,.... That is, of Phoenicia, which was called Canaan; so Shaul, the son of a Canaanitish woman, is, by the Septuagint in Exodus 6:15 called the son of a Phoenician; and the kings of Canaan are, by the same interpreters in Joshua 5:1 called kings of Phoenicia: hence this w... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:23

BUT HE ANSWERED HER NOT A WORD,.... Not that he did not hear her, or that he despised either her person or petition, or that he was not moved with it; but to continue her importunity, and try her faith, and make it manifest: for like reasons the Lord does not always, and immediately, answer the requ... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:24

BUT HE ANSWERED, AND SAID,.... To his disciples, who knew how limited their commission was, that they were not to go into the way of the Gentiles, not to preach to them, nor perform miracles among them; and therefore could not reasonably expect that either the woman, or they, on her behalf, should s... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:25

THEN CAME SHE AND WORSHIPPED HIM,.... She followed the disciples into the house; and perceiving another repulse by Christ's answer to them, she pushes on, through all discouragements; her faith grows stronger, and her importunity greater: she had called Christ Lord, and the son of David before, but... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:26

BUT HE ANSWERED, AND SAID,.... To the woman, as the Persic version reads it, and the sense requires: IT IS NOT MEET TO TAKE THE CHILDREN'S BREAD, AND TO CAST IT TO DOGS; which he said, to try her faith the more, and make it the more illustrious; and that not so much from his own sense of things, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:27

AND SHE SAITH, TRUTH, LORD,.... She owns all that he had said to be true, that he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel: that she was indeed but a dog, a poor sinful creature, and unworthy of any favour; and that it was not right and fitting that all the children's bread should be t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:28

THEN JESUS ANSWERED, AND SAID UNTO HER,.... As one surprised at the strength of her faith, and the clearness and justness of her pious reasoning; and not concealing himself, and the designs of grace, any longer from her, breaks out in great admiration of her, saying, O WOMAN, GREAT IS THY FAITH! He... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:29

AND JESUS DEPARTED FROM THENCE,.... From the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, where he would have been private and retired; but being discovered, and knowing that the fame of this last miracle would make him more public in those parts, he removed, and passed through the midst of the coast of Decapolis, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:30

AND GREAT MULTITUDES CAME UNTO HIM,.... From the adjacent places; having heard of his being where he was; and who had either attended on him before, or, however, the fame of him, and his miracles, had reached their ears: these flocked to him, having with them, in their hands, or arms, or upon their... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:31

INSOMUCH THAT THE MULTITUDE WONDERED,.... The multitude of the spectators, who, though they came in expectation of seeing miracles wrought, yet these were so much beyond what they could have imagined, that they were amazed and surprised to see cures so instantly performed, in such a miraculous manne... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:32

THEN JESUS CALLED HIS DISCIPLES UNTO HIM,.... Who were at some little distance from him, to impart his mind unto them, whom he had made, and used, as his familiar friends; and to try their faith, and raise their attention, and prepare them for the following miracle; as well as to teach them by his e... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:33

AND HIS DISCIPLES SAID UNTO HIM,.... The former miracle of feeding five thousand men, besides women and children, with five loaves and two fishes, being quite out of their thoughts, they reply, WHENCE SHOULD WE HAVE SO MUCH BREAD IN THE WILDERNESS, AS TO FILL SO GREAT A MULTITUDE? The question is b... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:34

AND JESUS SAITH UNTO THEM,.... In a very mild and gentle manner, taking no notice of their stupidity, nor upbraiding them with their forgetfulness of the late miracle, and willing to exercise their patience, and try their faith, asks, HOW MANY LOAVES HAVE YE? meaning in the common stock, and which... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:35

AND HE COMMANDED THE MULTITUDE TO SIT DOWN ON THE GROUND. Not regarding the smallness of the provisions, nor any further consulting with his disciples; but knowing his own power to increase this food, and determining to feed the multitude before he dismissed them, in an authoritative way ordered the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:36

AND HE TOOK THE SEVEN LOAVES AND THE FISHES,.... Into his hands, and lifted them up, that it might be seen, and observed, that there were no other food than these, that so the miracle might appear in its true light: AND GAVE THANKS; to God for the provision, though it was so small, in the name of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:37

AND THEY DID ALL EAT, AND WERE FILLED,.... Every one had a share of the provision, and that to full satisfaction; no one was overlooked and neglected, and everyone had as much as he could eat: AND THEY TOOK UP OF THE BROKEN MEAT THAT WAS LEFT, SEVEN BASKETS FULL. The disciples, after they had distr... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:38

AND THEY THAT DID EAT, WERE FOUR THOUSAND MEN,.... This number of men, as well as of the baskets of fragments, clearly shows this to be a distinct miracle from the former of this kind, recorded in Matthew 14:15. There the number of men were five thousand, here four thousand; there the quantity of fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:39

AND HE SENT AWAY THE MULTITUDE,.... Dismissing them, either with a prayer for them, or with a suitable word of exhortation, to be thankful for the mercies, both spiritual and temporal, they had received, and behave agreeably in their lives and conversations: AND TOOK SHIP; being near the sea side,... [ Continue Reading ]

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