Then it shall be, that when ye eat of the bread of the land,.... Of the land of Canaan; when they were about to eat of it, before they actually did; when they were preparing for it, had ground their corn into flour, and had mixed it with water and kneaded it into dough, in order to bake it and make it fit for food; by bread is meant bread corn, such as was the old corn of the land the Israelites first ate of when they entered into it, Joshua 5:11; the Targum of Jonathan adds,

"not of rice, or millet, or pulse,''

but what was made of corn used for bread; and the Jews say n, there were five things only they were obliged to make the cake of, wheat, barley, "cusmin" or rye, fox ear (barley), and oats; and this is to be understood only of dough made for men's bread, and not for dogs or any other beast o:

ye shall offer up an heave offering unto the Lord; and what that is, is expressed in Numbers 15:20.

n Misn. Challah, c. 1. sect. 1. o Schulchan Aruch, ut supra, (par. 2.) c. 330. sect. 8, 9.

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