Speak unto the children of Israel, saying,.... Not to the men only that came to Moses for advice, but to the body of the people; for the answer of the Lord concerned them all, and carried in it a rule to be observed in the like case, and others mentioned, in all succeeding ages, as long as the passover was an ordinance of God:

if any man of you; or "a man, a man", or any private man; for, according to the Jewish writers, this law only respects private persons, as those were who were the occasion of its being made:

or of your posterity; or "in your generations" b, or "ages"; which shows that this law respected future times, and not the present case only:

shall be unclean by reason of a dead body; see Numbers 9:6; Maimonides c says, this only respects uncleanness by a dead body, and not uncleanness by any creeping thing; for such as were unclean by them might sacrifice, though a private person, and eat the passover at evening with purity, when he had been cleansed: yet he says elsewhere d, that such that had issues, and menstruous women, and those that lay with them, and women in childbed, were unclean, and were put off to the second passover; and so the Targum of Jonathan here adds,

"or that has an issue, or a leprous person:''

or [be] in a journey afar off; which, according to Ben Gersom, was fifteen miles; so in the Misnah e, and the commentators on it:

yet he shall keep the passover of the Lord; not the first, but second, according to the directions given in Numbers 9:11.

b לדרתיכם "generationibus vestris", Pagninus, Montanus; "in aetatibus vestris", Drusius. c In Misn. ut supra, (c. 7. sect. 6.) T. Bab. Pesachim, fol. 93. 2. d Hilchot Corban Pesach, c. 6. sect. 1. e Pesachim, c. 9. sect. 2. Maimon. Bartenora in ib.

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