Let them praise his name in the dance,.... In a chorus of saints, joining together in their expressions of joy, by words and gestures; an ancient practice that went along with singing praises,

Exodus 15:20; or rather, "with the pipe" k, as some render it; a musical instrument used in former times in the worship of God, in this part of it, praising his name, with those that follow;

let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp; the former of these was a vessel of brass, a drum or tabret, on which they beat, perhaps like one of our kettle drums; the other was a stringed instrument of music much used, and in playing on which David was very skilful: the music of these was typical of the spiritual melody made in the heart to the Lord in singing his praises, to which there are allusions in Gospel times; though the instruments themselves are now laid aside, being only suited to the church in her infant state, when under tutors and governors; see Psalms 68:25.

k במחול "cum tibia", Tigurine version, Junius Tremellius, Piscator, Amama.

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