To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David. This psalm was either written by David; and therefore called a "psalm of David"; or it was written, as it may be rendered, "for David", by some other person, on account of his victories and triumphs; or rather "concerning David" s; that is, concerning the Messiah, the son of David, as Kimchi says some expound it; or concerning the Messiah, who is called David,

Ezekiel 37:24; and Jarchi observes, that their Rabbins interpret it of the Messiah; but, says he, it is right to explain it, moreover, of David himself, for an answer to the heretics (Christians) who err in it; and various passages in this psalm are by the Jewish writers understood of the Messiah; as "the King", in Psalms 20:1 is in the Targum called the King Messiah; Psalms 21:4 is in the Talmud applied t to him; Psalms 21:3 are in Zohar u, and in the Midrashes w, interpreted of him; and many Christian writers understand the whole of him; which is right: though Theodoret thinks it was penned on the account of the health of King Hezekiah, and his restoration from his disease; which is not likely.

s לדוד "pro Davide, vel de Davide", Vatablus. t T. Bab. Succah, fol. 52. 1. Vid. Nachman. disput. "cum fratre Paulo", p. 36. Ed. Wagenseil. u In Numb. fol. 68. 3. 4. w Midrash Tillim apud Viccars. in loc. in Galatin. l. 3. c. 9. Bemidbar Rabba, fol. 212. 4. 218. 1.

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