Verse Psalms 33:4. _THE WORD OF THE LORD_ IS _RIGHT_] He is
infinitely wise, and can make no mistakes; and all his works are done
in truth. All the words, laws, promises, and threatenings of God are...
FOR THE WORD OF THE LORD IS RIGHT - The command; the law; the promise
of God. Whatever he “says” is right; or, is true. It is worthy of
universal belief; and should, therefore, be a reason for praise....
Psalms 33
The Future Praise of Jehovah
_ 1. The call to praise Jehovah (Psalms 33:1)_
2. His praise as the Creator (Psalms 33:4)
3. His praise of His governmental dealings ...
XXXIII. A SONG OF PRAISE. This Ps. has no title in MT. It may have
been added at a later time to an older collection, probably Psalms
33:3. The LXX prefix, By David, when he changed his face before
The moral attributes of Jehovah. Jehovah's word is upright: the same
word as in Psalms 33:1; cp. Psalms 19:8; Psalms 25:8; Psalms 92:15;...
The grounds of praise....
Psalms 32, 33
Felicitations to the Forgiven, and Examples of the Songs that they
Part I., Psalms 32. Stanza I., Psalms 32:1-4, Happy the Forgiven; yet
Divine Discipl...
The first part (Psalms 33:4) of the main body; reasons why God is so
to be praised (Psalms 33:1) - namely, for His truth, righ...
This is an anonymous Ps. of national deliverance, called forth by some
historical occasion which it is now impossible to fix with any
certainty. From its central conception of God as the ruler of all...
TRUTH] RV 'faithfulness.'
5. RIGHTEOUSNESS] is the principle of God's character, JUDGMENT] its
practical application to the government of the world. GOODNESS] RV
Psalms 1:41
Words in boxes are from the Bible.
The notes explain some of the words with a *star by them. Tap the *
before a word to show an explanation.
The translated Bible tex...
RIGHT. — The first inspiring cause of praise for a faithful
Israelite is the righteousness of the God of the Covenant. But the
pregnant expression, “word of Jehovah,” naturally leads him on
from the t...
כִּֽי ־יָשָׁ֥ר דְּבַר ־יְהוָ֑ה וְ כָל
Psalms 33:1
This is the last of the four psalms in Book 1 which have no title, the
others being Psalms 1:1; Psalms 2:1, which are introductory, and 10
which is closely connected with 9. Some have ende...
Psalms 33:1
This psalm is eminently calculated to incite praise. Let us note the
subjects which are touched upon, in the hope that presently one may
strike a spark at which our...
This is a triumphant song of praise, opening with a call to vocal and
instrumental music. "Rejoice," "praise," "give thanks," "sing
praises," "sing," "play"-thus all modes of expression are appealed t...
For the (c) word of the LORD [is] right; and all his (d) works [are
done] in truth.
(c) That is, counsel or command in governing the world.
(d) That is, the effect and execution....
_Together, ( in idipsum). "If you love God, draw all to the love of
God." (St. Augustine) --- The multitude will not diminish his
attention to you. (Calmet)_...
Here, Reader, is a song, that all the New Testament saints may sing,
in which God hath found out a way whereby his justice and mercy
harmonize in the redemption by Christ Jesus. Psalms 85:10....
Psalms 32
_ Proper Psalm for Ash Wednesday_ (_Morning_).
PSALMS 32-34 = _ Day 6_ (_Evening_)....
4._For the word of Jehovah is right. _As I have just remarked, the
Psalmist first sets forth God’s general providence by which he
governs the whole world; and he tells us that he so exerts his power
Psalms 33 has its just place after the forgiveness of the people.
Before we pass on to these psalms, remark how the guilelessness of
heart produced by complete forgiveness leads to that intimacy with...
_For the word of the LORD [is] right; and all his works [are done] in
Ver. 4. _For the word of the Lord is right_] Every word of God is
pure and precious, Proverbs 30:5; his commandment holy,...
_The word of the Lord is right_ All God's counsels and commands,
whether contained in the Scriptures, or given forth in his providence,
for the government of the world, are wise, and just, and good, w...
This entire psalm is a call to lively and joyful praise of God for His
wonderful and glorious attributes and works, as displayed in cr...
For the Word of the Lord is right, upright, true, not full of mistakes
and contradictions; AND ALL HIS WORKS ARE DONE IN TRUTH, in
faithfulness, the fulfillment always agreeing with His promises....
1-11 Holy joy is the heart and soul of praise, and that is here
pressed upon the righteous. Thankful praise is the breath and language
of holy joy. Religious songs are proper expressions of thankful...
All God's counsels and commands, either contained in the Scriptures,
or given forth in his providence, for the government of the world, are
wise, and just, and good, without deceit or defect: and all...
Psalms 33:4 word H1697 LORD H3068 right H3477 work H4639 truth H530
the word - Psalms 12:6,...
a). Because of His moral activity (4-5).
Psalms 33:4
‘For the word of YHWH is right,
And all his work is done in faithfulness.
He loves righteousness and jus...
Psalms 33:1. _Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is
comely for the upright._
Notice the connection between the words «rejoice «and «praise.»
Joy is the soul of praise. God is not extolle...
Psalms 33:1. _Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is
comely for the upright._
False gods were worshipped with dolorous sounds, accompanied by
cutting with knives and with lancets; but our...
CONTENTS: Praise of God's wisdom and power.
CHARACTERS: Psalmist, God.
CONCLUSION: The righteous who know the goodness of God should never be
empty of His praises. Though the residence of God's glor...
Psalms 33:2. _The psaltery,_ a little harp of sweet sound, and very
generally used in unison with the voice.
Psalms 33:6. _By the word of the Lord were the heavens made,_ as in
Genesis 1. By the Word...
_Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous._
“Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.” It is the vital condition
of all spiritual rejoicing that we ar...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 33:1. This is a hymn of praise to the God
who made all things, who rules all things for his own purposes, and
who has chosen a people to be his own and to bless the whole wo...
PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 33:4 The first reason for praise is God’s
WORD (vv. Psalms 33:4, Psal
“This psalm is a fit companion, but by no means the second half, of
the preceding one, being distinct from it both in matter and form. It
indicates a more tranquil frame of mind, such as...
THIS psalm has no title in the Hebrew, and in some manuscripts it is
joined on to the preceding psalm, and forms one with it. But the
difference of subject-matter and of tone render it high...
Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely [or
beautiful] for the upright (Psalms 33:1).
Now, this is something that you might not be able to do as you read
Praise the LORD with a...
Daniel 4:37; Deuteronomy 32:4; Genesis 24:27; John 14:6; Micah 2:7;...
Psalms 33:1
It is important for us to get a scriptural vision of the triune God.
In the Book of Genesis we read, "In the beginning God created the
heaven and the e...
The word — All God's counsels and commands are wise, and just, and
good. His works — All his works of providence agree with his word,
and are the accomplishment of his promises or threatenings....