Ver. 7 Their eyes stand out with fatness,.... Or their face, the eyes being put for the whole face; so the Targum,

"their face is changed, because of fatness;''

see Job 15:27, otherwise through fatness the eyes are almost enclosed: or "it goes forth out of the fatness of their eyes" i; that is, either "pride", which shows itself in haughty looks and scornful airs, through the abundance possessed; or "violence", seen in the fierceness of the eyes, and fury of the countenance; or "their eyes go out through fatness" k that is, through the plenty they enjoy, their eyes go out in lust after lawful objects:

they have more than heart could wish; that they themselves could have wished for heretofore, though not now; for what is it that a worldly covetous heart cannot and does not wish for? if it had all the world, it would not satisfy it: or "the imaginations of the heart go on" l; that is, after more, not being content with such things as they have; or "they", i.e. their pride and violence,

exceed the imaginations of the heart m; they are more than can be conceived of, they overpass the deeds of the wicked, Jeremiah 5:28 or "they transgress by the imaginations of the heart" n; which are evil, and that continually.

i יצא מחלב עינמו "prodit vel exit e pinguedine oculorum eorum", Michaelis. k "Exivit prae adipe oculus eorum", Montanus; "egreditur prae pinguedine", Gejerus. l עברו משכיות לבב "pergunt cogitationes cordis eorum", Piscator. m "Excesserunt imaginationes cordis", Cocceius; "excedunt", Michaelis. n "Transgrediuntur cogitationibus cordis", Gejerus.

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