Blessed are they that dwell in thy house,.... The house of God, in his tabernacles and courts; referring to the priests and Levites, who were frequently officiating there, in their turns, night and day; and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Gibeon, where the ark and tabernacle were, who had frequent opportunities of attendance on divine worship: and happy are those who have a name and place in the church of God, who abide there, and never go out; see Psalms 65:4, the Targum is,

"blessed are the righteous, c.''

and the Arabic version, "blessed are all they that dwell, c", they are happy on account of their settlement, and also on account of their work, as follows:

they will be still praising thee which is delightful employment for praise is pleasant and comely; and in which they are continually and constantly engaged, as their mercies return upon them, as they do every day; and especially on Lord's days, or at the stated times of public worship; such will bless and praise the Lord, both for temporal and spiritual blessings, as long as they live; see Hebrews 13:15.

Selah. Psalms 3:2.

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