John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
Song of Solomon 7:12
Let us get up early to the vineyards,.... After a night's lodging in the fields, or among the "Cyprus trees". By which "vineyards" may be meant particular churches, gathered according to Gospel order, and distinguished from the world, planted with fruitful vines, and fenced by almighty power: hither the church proposes to "get up early", very early in the morning; being willing to take the first and most seasonable opportunity of visiting the saints, to know their state and condition; and, that her visit might not be in vain, she is for taking Christ along with her;
let us see if the vine flourish; true believers in Christ; who, though weak and worthless in themselves, yet being ingrafted in Christ, the true vine, bring forth fruit, and become flourishing in grace and good works; of the flourishing or flowering of the vine,
[whether] the tender grape appear; or when "the flower of the vine opens" e, and goes off, and the small grape appears: by which young converts may be meant, who are tender, and have but a small degree of faith and knowledge; and yet these are not overlooked, much less despised, by Christ and his church, but are delighted with the promising appearance they make;
[and] the pomegranates bud forth; stronger believers, taller and more fruitful than the former; see Song of Solomon 4:13; the actings and exercise of whose grace are signified by "budding forth", in an open and visible manner: the church is concerned for the good and welfare of the saints of all ranks and sizes; of vines and pomegranates, as well as tender grapes; and of the budding of the one, as well as of the opening and flowering of the other. And seeing these ends proposed by her are the same with Christ's, Song of Solomon 6:11; she might conclude they would prevail upon him to go with her, particularly what follows:
there will I give thee my loves; in the fields, villages, and vineyards, when alone, and observing the state and condition of particular churches and saints; and having communion with Christ, the church might hope and expect to have her heart enlarged, and drawn forth in love to Christ more abundantly; and that she should be able to manifest it more largely to him, and give clearer and fuller proofs of it: and this she observes in order to gain her point, and get him to go along with her; knowing that her love, in the actings and exercise of it, was very acceptable to him, Song of Solomon 4:10; I see not why the word for "loves" may not be rendered "my lovely flowers"; as a word nearly the same, in Song of Solomon 7:13, is by some rendered, "these lovely flowers give a good smell", which seems to refer to the flowers here; such as were to be met with in plenty, in fields and vineyards, among vines and pomegranates, as lilies, violets, c. and may be an allusion to lovers, who used to give to those they loved sweet smelling flowers f and here may signify the graces of the Spirit, and the actings of them, which are fragrant, and acceptable to Christ.
e פתח הסמדר "num si, vel gemmas suas aperuerit flos vitis", Michaelis; to the same sense Pagninus, Montanus, Tigurine version, Junius Tremellius. f "Naias amat Thyrsin, Glauce Almona, Nisa Theonem Nisa rosas, Glauce violas, dat lilia Nais". Cythereus Sidonius apud Auson.