(8) He that committeth sin is of the (i) devil; for the devil (k) sinneth from the (l) beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

(8) An argument taken by contrast: the devil is the author of sin, and therefore he is that serves sin is of the devil, or is ruled by the inspiration of the devil: and if he is the devil's son, then is he not God's son: for the devil and God are so contrary to one another that the Son of God was sent to destroy the works of the devil. Therefore on the other side, whoever resists sin, is the son of God, being born again of his Spirit as of new seed, in so much, that by necessity he is now delivered from the slavery of sin.

(i) Resembles the devil, as the child does the father, and is governed by his Spirit.

(k) He says not "sinned" but "sins" for he does nothing else but sin.

(l) From the very beginning of the world.

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