(4) Beware lest any man (i) spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, (5) after the tradition of men, (6) after the (k) rudiments of the world, (7) and not after Christ.

(4) He brings all corruptions under three types. The first is that which rests on vain and curious speculations, and yet bears a show of certain subtle wisdom.

(i) This is a word of war, and it is as much as to drive or carry away a spoil or booty. (5) The second, which is manifestly superstitious and vain, and stands only upon custom and pretended inspirations. (6) The third type was of those who joined the rudiments of the world (that is to say, the ceremonies of the Law) with the Gospel.

(k) Principles and rules, with which God ruled his Church, as it were under a schoolmaster. (7) A general confutation of all corruptions is this, that if it adds anything to Christ, it must necessarily be a false religion.

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