(9) That we [henceforth] be no more children, (10) tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the (s) sleight of men, [and] (t) cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

(9) Between our childhood (that is to say, a very weak state, when we are still wavering) and our perfect age, which we will have at length in another world, there is a mean, that is, our youth, and steady going forward to perfection.

(10) He compares those who do not rest themselves upon the word of God, to little boats which are tossed here and there with the doctrines of men as it were with contrary winds, and in addition forewarns them that it comes to pass not only by the unsteadiness of man's brain, but also by the craftiness of certain ones, who make as it were an art of it.

(s) With those uncertain events which toss men to and fro.

(t) By the deceit of those men who are very well practised in deceiving others.

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