considered as the symbol of his power. This constituted the defense of
the people; this was the emblem of the presence of God, which, when...
PSALM 78-83
Psalms 78
A Historical Retrospect
_ 1. The call to hear (Psalms 78:1)_
2. Ephraim's failure (Psalms 78:9)
3. His dealings in power and mercy ...
LXXVIII. THE LESSON OF ISRAEL'S HISTORY. The northern tribes have been
perverse from the first. Their wickedness has culminated in the
schismatical religion of the Samaritans. God, on the contrary, ha...
STRENGTH. One of the names for the Ark of the Covenant (Compare Psalms
63:2; Psalms 132:8). See notes on Exodus 25:22; 1 Chronicles 13:3....
Once more therefore God punished them for their sins, abandoning them
to their enemies and even suffering the Ark to be captured....
_his strength … his glory_ The Ark, the symbol and seat of His
majesty (1 Samuel 4:21 f.; Psalms 132:8), was suffered to fall into
the hands of the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:11 ff.).
_the enemy's hand_...
A Didactic Poem, Counselling the Re-union of the Tribes.
(1) An Invitation to Attend to a Series of Problems Drawn from
AntiquityPsalms 78:...
Yet they tempted and provoked the most high God, and kept not his
-Israel's unfaithfulness in the time of the Judges caused God to
forsake the tabernacle of Shiloh, and brought down ot...
78:61 glory (h-9) Lit. 'beauty.'...
This long historical Ps. may be compared with Psalms 105, 106, and
with Deuteronomy 32. It traces the course of God's relations with His
people from the exodus down to the time of David, and dwells on...
STRENGTH.. GLORY] the ark: see 1 Samuel 4....
Psalms 73:89
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me. Do not stop them".
(Matthew 19
וַ יִּתֵּ֣ן לַ † שְּׁבִ֣י עֻזֹּ֑ו וְֽ...
Psalms 78:1
THIS psalm is closely related to Psalms 105:1; Psalms 106:1; Psalms
107:1. Like them, it treats the history of Israel, and esp
Psalms 78:59
This paragraph continues the history of the Judges, and tells the
story of what befell after the battle in which Eli's sons were slain.
See 1 Samuel 4:1....
The supreme quantity of this psalm is that throughout all its
measures, over against the repeated failure of His people God's
persistent patience is set forth in bold relief. The purpose of the
The history of the church is pursued through all these verses. But we
must look farther than the history, and particularly in the close of
the Psalm, which ends with a view of David as the chosen of G...
61._And he delivered his strength into captivity. _In this verse, the
same subject is prosecuted: it is declared, that _the strength _of
God, by which the Israelites had been shielded and defended, wa...
In Psalms 78 the conduct of Israel is discussed by wisdom,
historically as regards the whole people, but with very important
principles brought out. There was not only a redemption of old, to
which fa...
called his strength, and the ark of his strength, Psalms 105:4,
because it was a token of his strength, and by means of which he
And delivered his strength into captivity, and his glory into the
enemy's hand.
Ver. 61. And delivered his strength … his glory, &c.] _i.e._ His
ark, which is elsewhere called the strength of God, 1C...
_So he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh_ The tabernacle which then was
placed in Shiloh, from whence, as the Israelites fetched the ark, so
God withdrew himself. This relates to that part of the Jewis...
and delivered His strength, namely, the Ark of the Covenant, INTO
CAPTIVITY, by letting the Philistines capture it, 1 Samuel 4, AND HIS
GLORY INTO THE ENEMY'S HAND, 1 Samuel 4:21....
The Narrative of God's Deeds...
56-72 After the Israelites were settled in Canaan, the children were
like their fathers. God gave them his testimonies, but they turned
back. Presumptuous sins render even Israelites hateful to God's...
HIS STRENGTH, to wit, the ark, called God's strength, 1 CHRONICLES
16:11, _and the ark of his strength_, PSALMS 132:8, because it was the
sign and pledge of his strength or power put forth on his peop...
Psalms 78:61 delivered H5414 (H8799) strength H5797 captivity H7628
glory H8597 enemys H6862 hand H3027
his strength - That is, the ark
The story of how the children of Israel behaved themselves towards
their gracious God.
Psalms 78:10. They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk
in his law; and forgat his works, and his w...
This story of the children of Israel, after they came out of Egypt, is
like a looking-glass in which we may, with great sadness, see
ourselves reflected.
Psalms 78:9. _The children of Ephraim, being...
CONTENTS: Israel's sins wherewith they had provoked God. The tokens of
God's displeasure as the result.
CONCLUSION: God's people limit Him by forgetfulness of His benefits
Title. _Maschil of Asaph._ Rabbi Kimchi says, that this title, which
signifies to give instruction, designates also the species of music or
melody to which the words were set, as is now the practice o...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 78:1. This is a historical psalm (compare
Psalms 105:1; P
PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 78:56 These verses describe the time of the
judges, leading up to the capture of the ark and the death of Eli and
his sons (vv. Psalms 78:60; see...
_Superscription,—“Maschil of Asaph_,” _i.e._, an instruction of
Asaph, a didactic song by Asaph. The Psalm was probably written by the
celebrated Asaph in the time of David.
This, the first of the "historical psalms," though assigned by the
rationalistic school (De Wette, Ewald, Koster, Hitzig) to a period
subsequent to the Captivity, is generally allowed by mo...
Psa 78:1-72 is a psalm that rehearses the history of God's people. And
the psalm was written in order to remind the children, the coming
generation, of the works of the Lord. One of the important obli...
1 Samuel 4:21; 1 Samuel 4:22; 1 Samuel 5:1; 1 Samuel 5:2; 2 Chronicl
His strength — The ark, called God's strength, 1 Chronicles 16:11,
because it was the sign and pledge of his strength put forth on his
people's behalf. Glory — So the ark is called, as being the monum...