(8) And I turned to (k) see the voice that spake with me. (9) And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

(8) The exposition, declaring the third and last point of the proposition (for the other points are evident of themselves) in which is he first speaks of the author of his calling (till verse 17), and secondly, of the calling itself (Revelation 1:17). First of all the occasion is noted in this verse, in that John turned himself towards the vision, and after he sets down the description of the author, in the following verses, (Revelation 1:13).

(k) To see him whose voice I had heard. (9) The description of the Author, who is Christ: by the candlesticks that stand about him, that is, the churches that stand before him, and depend upon his direction. In (Revelation 1:13) he is described by his properties, that he is provided with wisdom and dexterity for the achieving of great things, and in (Revelation 1:14) with ancient gravity and most excellent sight of the eye. In (Revelation 1:15) he is described with strength invincible and with a mighty word, and in (Revelation 1:16) by his ruling of the ministry of his servants in the Church by the sword of his word, and enlightening all things with his countenance, and mightily providing for everyone by his divine providence.

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