(10) And she brought forth a man (11) child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne.

(10) The second history of this Church delivered of child: in which first the consideration of the child born, and of the mother, is described in two verses (Revelation 12:6): secondly the battle of the dragon against the young child, and the victory obtained against him in the three verses following (Revelation 12:7): last of all is sung a song of victory, to (Revelation 12:10). Now John in consideration of the child born, notes two things: for he describes him, and his station or place in this verse.

(11) That is Christ the head of the Church joined with his Church (the beginning root and foundation of which is the same Christ) endued with kingly power and taken up into heaven out of the jaws of Satan (who as a serpent did bite him on the cross) that sitting on the heavenly throne, he might reign over all.

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