WHO can read the history of Saul, and behold the dreadful end of such men, but with trembling! How dark the night of so promising a morning! But what must the termination of such conduct be, which in direct defiance of better knowledge, against conscience, against all the feelings of honour, justice, and humanity, rushes on the most desperate deeds, what must the end be but darkness and despair? He who murdered the priests of the Lord is deserted by the Lord, and dies by the murder of his own hands! He who abandoned his dearest friend, who fought his battles and saved his crown, is himself abandoned by all friends, and his very carcass stripped and insulted by his open enemies. My soul! rejoice with trembling! Look wholly to Jesus. Fear to thyself on any occasion. Be jealous of every earthly honour, lest like Saul's, it should be unsanctified. Oh! precious Redeemer! keep me near thyself, keep me humble, keep me low, keep me, Lord, lest I fall; for they only are safe who are kept by thy power, through faith, unto salvation.

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