PAUSE, my soul, over the perusal of this chapter, and behold the earnestness with which David entered upon the service of the sanctuary, when the Lord had blessed him and the people once more with the symbol of his divine presence. Observe with what holy joy he celebrates God's praises. How often he repeats in song the glories of the Lord, and the wonders of his grace. And how earnest he is that all the people should partake in the mercies of Jehovah. And when thou hast paid all due attention to David, and the children of Israel, in their joy and thankfulness over the ark of the Lord, then, my soul, turn thyself to behold him whom that ark represented, and think, if it be possible, what a vast increase of mercy thou hast to bless the Lord Jehovah for, in that thou art called in happier times, than to the symbols of the Lord's presence, for Jesus himself hath tabernacled among men in substance of the flesh, and hast wrought out and completed eternal redemption by his blood and righteousness. Hail! thou holy, glorious, gracious, precious Emmanuel! Oh let my soul be everlastingly rejoicing in thee, I would indeed sing unto thee; I would sing Psalms unto thee; I would forever glory in thy holy name, and be talking forever of thy wondrous works. And no less to thee, in my Redeemer's name and mediation, would I look up with thankfulness, O Father of mercies, and God of all comfort! Thy everlasting love, and grace, and mercy first raised up Jesus, and gave him for a covenant to the people. And it is the same unchanging love, and grace, and mercy which accepts poor sinners in him now, and makes them forever blessed. Arise, O Lord, into thy rest, thou and the Ark of thy strength. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness, and let thy saints shout with joy. Oh! let thine Holy Spirit so graciously take of the things of Jesus and show them unto us, that every knee may bow before thee, and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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