READER! observe how truly lovely and graceful a devout heart appears in the highest of characters among the sons of men. How much greater doth David shine in this chapter, when going in before the Lord under such a self-abasement of soul, than the mightiest earthly monarch before his army. The way to true greatness is in the path of humility.

Observe how condescending the Lord is, for the comfort and encouragement of his servant. And depend upon it, such is, and such will be the graciousness of the Lord to all his people. That sweet promise is a volume to this amount. It shall come to pass, that before they call I will answer: and while they are speaking I will hear.

But principally, and above all, Reader, do not fail to observe how much of Jesus and his finished salvation is in this passage. The Lord Jehovah then said to the patriarch; I tell thee that the Lord will build thee an house. I will raise up thy seed, He shall build me an house. And I will establish his throne forever. And what is it now? Blessed be Jehovah; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the glorious Covenanters, the gracious Fulfillers. The Son of God is come. He hath tabernacled among us. He hath built his house. He hath hewn out his seven pillars. He hath (as the Wisdom, Image of the Invisible God) killed his beasts, mingled his wine, and furnished his table. And having obtained eternal redemption, by his blood and righteousness, he is now entered into the temple not made with hands, but into heaven itself, there to appear in the presence of God for us. Hail! thou Jehovah Jesus, Lord of all! All power is thine in heaven and on earth. In thee the souls of all thy redeemed ones rejoice. And of the increase of thy government and peace there shall be no end; upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment, and with justice, from henceforth, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.

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