READER! in the quick succession of persons and families, as recorded in this Chapter, how feelingly are we taught the littleness, and even nothingness, of human nature. So that at every verse we are prompted, in the language of the Prophet, to exclaim, Your fathers, where are they? And the prophets, do they live forever? But oh! how precious amidst all this is it, to behold Jesus, who is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

But again, how is the mind humbled in the consideration, that though the several generations this Chapter records lived but as it were a day, yet in that day how numerous their transgressions? Though this stock of Judah was at length to produce the holy seed, and in the intermediate state was to possess, in several branches of them, both royal and priestly honours; yet we find they all partook of the same common stock of a fallen nature, of whom it is with truth said, there is none holy, no not one. And wherefore were they preserved, why are their names recorded with such precision and exactness? Was it not, blessed Jesus, because they all pointed to thee, ministered to thee, and in thee fulfilled the purposes of their generation? Did not the Lord Jehovah, concerning everyone of them, say, Destroy it not, for a blessing is in it. There is life in the root; salvation in the stock; even Jesus folded up in the seed, in whom all the family should be blessed? Oh, grace! oh, mercy! oh, wisdom! How unsearchable are thy judgments, O Lord; and thy ways past finding out.

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