READER! I only detain you with the reflection of one interesting thought, which seems to arise out of the perusal of this chapter, concerning the Levites. You see how numerous they were in those early ages of the church; and you will, I am sure, think with me, that in the present hour faithful ministers can never be too numerous, in labouring in the word and doctrine. If Jesus, in the days of his flesh, commanded his disciples to pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into his harvest; well may we with earnestness beseech of him, now in compassion to the perishing state of thousands everywhere around, to send forth truly awakened servants of the sanctuary to his service. Lord Jesus, I would say, thou great Bishop of souls! graciously do thou ordain pastors after thine own heart, which shall feed thy people with understanding and knowledge. Let them be such, O Lord, as shall do the work of Evangelists, and make full proof of their ministry. Oh! for the dawn of that glorious day when the watchmen upon the walls of Zion shall see eye to eye! when the church of Jesus upon earth shall b ear some resemblance to the church triumphant in glory. Surely, dearest Jesus, when that hour comes, so faithfully promised, and so devoutly prayed for by the faithful in all ages, under the quickening influences of the Holy Ghost; that hour, that day, when Ethiopia, and Seba, and the multitude of the isles, shall stretch forth their hands unto God: surely, Lord, thou wilt be adored by the redeemed below, in congregations as numerous as the multitude which John saw in heaven, whom no man could number. Lord! hasten the hour in mercy to a lost world; cut short thy work in righteousness, thou that art mighty to save; and bring on the latter day glory, when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. Amen.

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