WHAT a sweet thought ariseth out of the perusal of this chapter! we here behold Levites set apart by lot to stand before the Lord, according to the order of their course in their daily ministration. And no doubt, beheld with an eye to Jesus, as a figure for the time then present, the order was beautiful, their ministration lovely, and they were accepted before God in Jesus. But what a sweet thought ariseth out of this very contemplation, when we consider the whole of this service as shadows only of good things to come, the body of which was Jesus; and now behold the whole body of Levites, even all the mystical members of Jesus, as set apart to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy, accept able, before God in Jesus, as their reasonable service. The Levites ministered only in the order of their course. But Jesus's Priests continually. They, when they had fulfilled their monthly station, retired to make way for the ministration of others. But Jesus's Levites are supposed daily and hourly to draw nigh to a throne of grace, having boldness to enter into the holiest at all times, and upon all occasions, by the blood of Jesus. Think, then, ye of this royal priesthood, to what vast dignity ye are called! Jesus, your great high priest, hath brought you nigh. He hath opened this new and living way by his blood, and ever liveth to keep it open by his intercession! See, then, that ye live up to this high privilege. A throne of grace is always open, always accessible, and the promise calls us to approach. Sprinkled with the blood of Jesus, consecrated by the word and prayer, and receiving of the fulness of the Spirit, let us draw near with true hearts, in full assurance of faith.

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