The office of a porter in the temple, must certainly have been an office of high repute and importance, as appears by the characters given of such to whose lot it fell. They are said to be mighty men of valour, and for strength for the service. And evidently they are marked as being competent to the office, on account of their wisdom; for Zechariah, one of them, is said to have been a wise counsellor. And another, Simri, though not the first-born, was made chief by his father. I do not presume precisely to point out in what the principal parts of their office consisted; and more especially as the Holy Ghost hath not been particular about it. We are told that their station was at the gates. But from this feature of character we may safely infer, that the spiritual porters of Jesus' church have a very solemn trust to keep the doors, and by their wisdom, which they derive from their glorious Head, to counsel others, and by their strength which they have in Christ Jesus, to withhold others from every improper entrance into the sanctuary. Jesus is the way, and no other can be the entrance. And as to Him, so to all his, the Porter openeth. God the Holy Ghost opens to Christ, leads to Christ, helps to Christ, and takes of Christ to show the people. Lead me, Lord, in thy truth, and guide me, for thou art the God of my salvation. John 10:9; John 10:9; Psalms 25:5.

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