Hawker's Poor man's commentary
1 Chronicles 4:43
READER! it is a sweet thought, in the contemplation of what is here recorded of the tribes of Judah and of Simeon, to recollect that God is the God of all the families of Israel, both then, and now, and forever. Yes, blessed Lord God, Jehovah, thou hast loved with an everlasting love, and thou changest not; therefore it is, the sons of Jacob are not consumed. And oh! how glorious is it, to see the eternal security of this love founded in the person, and established in the perfect obedience, righteousness, and salvation of thy dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Reader! let us in the character and conduct of Jabez, learn those sweet lessons which, in a gospel sense, and with an eye to Jesus, are afforded us in his example. It is but little that is said of Jabez: but that little opens vast improvement. Though more honourable than his brethren, though so remarkable for his piety, so steadfast in his trust on a covenant God: yet how short a relation is made of him among men? How delightful the thought in the breast of the believer, whose life is hid with Christ in God! However unknown, unobserved, unnoticed, by the world, yet eternally secure, and eternally happy in Jesus! Jabez prayed not to an unknown God; not to one uncertain to hear, and uncertain to answer; but to Israel's God, a God in covenant with his chosen from everlasting. And what was the burden of Jabez's prayer, Oh! that thou wouldest bless me (said he) indeed: that thou wouldst enlarge my coast; that thine hand might be with me; to keep use from evil, that it might not grieve me. And is not this a gospel prayer in Jesus? What is it to be blest indeed, but to have our sins cancelled in the blood of Christ: for how can I be blest indeed until my sins are forgiven, and till I have redemption in Jesus's blood, according to the riches of God's grace? How will my coast be enlarged, until that Christ hath made me free, and enlarged my heart, and mouth, and lips, to the praises of his name? And how shall I be kept and secured everlastingly in this freedom, unless He that pardons still upholds, He that redeems continues still to preserve, and He that sanctifies still shines in upon me, and takes not his Holy Spirit from me? Oh Lord! thou that didst hear and answer the prayer of Jabez, hear me, and grant my request, for all these spiritual blessings in Jesus! Bless me, my God, and make me truly happy indeed, by making me all that thou wouldst have me to be in Jesus; that He may be my portion, my hope, my joy, my life, my salvation, in time and to all eternity.